I mean, I don’t wanna be a virgin the rest of my life, but I also don’t wanna risk getting an incurable disease like HIV.

  1. I actually just Googled this. If you use a condom correctly it has a 2% failure rate on average. Based on actual usage, condoms fail 13% of the time. I’m not sure exactly how these statistics combine, but it’s fair to say that the overwhelming majority of people are perfectly capable of perfect condom usage. Be one of those people and you’ll be as safe as it gets.

  2. There are only two “incurable” diseases that you are increased risk of from sex.

    One is HSV. It’s a very minor disease and probably 80% of all adults have it — and condoms don’t really help.

    The other is HIV, which is a much more serious. Getting from sex *with a woman* is almost unknown (there is no proof it has ever happened); if you are having sex with a man, using a condom makes catching it 7x or 8x less likely.

  3. Well ideally, you and a potential new partner get tested before having sex. Even if you don’t have a sexual history, for new relationships it may be easier to gain trust by suggesting you both get tested beforehand

    Barring that, or in addition to that, make sure you use them correctly, don’t put on 2, a lot of people make that mistake, it actually makes breakage more likely. Even if you think you know all of how to put it on correctly, look it up (no one ever even has to know you googled it), user error is the most common cause of problems and you’d be surprised how common that is, so just look up instructions and don’t be one of those people

    Don’t use oil-based lubes, they dissolve the latex and make breakage more likely (water or silicone based lubes are fine and will actually reduce the likelihood of breakage)

    Make sure you aren’t using expired or improperly stored condoms (which could weaken their structural integrity)

    I honestly don’t know the failure rate by brand, or if it differs significantly, but if you’re worried, I’d go with more major brands to make sure (Trojan/Durex)

    If you’re extra worried, know that STD risk (at least with HIV, I don’t know about others) is MUCH higher with anal sex than oral or PIV sex

    The numbers people are throwing around with condom failure rates of 2% and 13% reflect optimal vs typical usage, and are talking specifically about pregnancy risk, not STD risk, and also talk about the risk after a year’s worth of sex

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