Hi I’m 14 male and i fucked it up big time so there’s this girl from my class 14 female and when i tell you her beauty couldn’t be described with that would be an understatement i have been crushing on her ever since i laid eyes one her i finally built up the courage to start texting her i found out we have a lot in common we had been texting for 2 weeks then she asked me if i liked i was hesitant to answer but then i finally said yes i asked her if she felt the same way she replied with i don’t know maybe… well see fast forward a week and she had been sick the entire week so me being a total dumbass i decided to ride my bike 15 kilometers each way i pouring rain and intense wind just to give her some chocolate and a get well soon card i shouldn’t have mentioned the 15 km part i look back and think about how much of a dumbass i was i put her in a really difficult position the day after she sends me this message: my name, you’re super cute, it’s not that at all, but i don’t like you back 100 times sorry, please don’t be mad at me❤️ I just don’t have feelings for you. But you’re really sweet it’s not that at all driving 15 km to give me chocolate and a get well soon card it’s probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me😚 sorry pls don’t get mad at me😕 sorry (don’t judge i used Google translate)

Is it possible for me come back from this?

  1. Nope, move on, don’t make it weird.

    You’re 14. Focus on being a kid and playing whatever video game 14 year olds love today.

  2. You are 14. Move on. You will have several partners between now and when you graduate. Do not become a statistic.

  3. You didn’t fuck up, she just doesn’t like you back. Move on, take the rejection, improve yourself and maybe don’t think about dating just yet

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