I have a hankering for it. Say hypothetically I had a Frontier pass and Amtrak pass and can just fuck off to wherever I want in the US. Where should I go to get some clam chowder?

  1. I don’t eat clams and hence can’t comment based on personal experience.

    But I know that there’s a perennial debate over whether Manhattan Clam Chowder or New England Clam Chowder is better, which I take as a pretty strong clue as to where to go.

  2. Anywhere in the US? Go to Annapolis. I’ve only been there a couple times but I, someone who hates seafood, love the seafood in Annapolis.

  3. I’m going with Boston.

    I know everywhere along the eastern seaboard hates me for not picking your variety.

    But, y’all have so many varieties that are tasty.

    Non New Englander. All your stuff is tasty.

  4. Clam chowder Boston (Amtrak also works best in the northeast)

    Seafood in general Annapolis

  5. There’s a restaurant in Portsmouth, NH called River House. Best clam chowder I’ve ever had.

  6. The places I’ve had the best clam chowder are Boston, Seattle, and my apartment after a particularly good batch of homemade stuff.

  7. If wako is anything else I go by, Annapolis Maryland has wonderful clam chowder

  8. Coastal New England, in general, but Maine, the North Shore and Cape Cod areas of MA and of course Boston.

    Do not let Manhattan Clam Chowder deceive you.

    Since you’re Amtraking it: [https://www.google.com/search?q=best+clam+chowder+near+south+station+in+boston+MA&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1035US1035&oq=best+clam+chowder+near+south+station+in+boston+MA&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160.10647j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=best+clam+chowder+near+south+station+in+boston+MA&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1035US1035&oq=best+clam+chowder+near+south+station+in+boston+MA&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160.10647j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) Here’s everywhere near the main Amtrak station for Boston. Of the ones listed, B&G and Legal Seafood are really good.

  9. Boston. Don’t go somewhere that serves red clam chowder because it’s bogus.

  10. Maine for classic clam chowder. Find ones that do a thin cream broth not the heavily thickened clam stew where the broth can be used as paste.

    Boston is second best and while it has so many amazing places it also has *tons* of the worst mass market slop masquerading as clam chowder you will find.

    Rhode Island for clear broth chowder which is really good.

    Nowhere for Manhattan chowder. If it is ever offered to you just stand up, walk away, say “how dare you” as you leave, never return.

  11. Boston is first that would come to mind.
    My personal bias is to make it myself with fresh caught pacific razor clams.

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