Women of reddit, where did/do you find your self worth?

  1. In the beginning of my life, self-worth came from the support of and appreciation from my parents.

    I also won lots of talent shows, beauty pageants and modeled my entire childhood.

    As an adult my self worth comes from consistently executing my goals while also being physically athletic and mentally healthy.

    …and maintaining healthy relationships.

  2. When I joined the gym at 15 or 16yrs old. Discovered how strong I am, not to mention taking a bunch of aqua fit classes with senior women and their confidence and vibe was inspiring.

    I still exercise regularly and it never fails to make me feel so badass. Then I leveled up about 10yrs ago when I started Muay Thai. Didn’t know I could hit this level of badassery.

  3. Honestly, from my friends and family. I just see how loved I am, unconditionally, and I don’t want their efforts to be for nothing. I owe it to them to love myself as much as they do.

    I’ve also just realized (very recently) that I am a great person. Of course I have flaws and of course I’ve had major fuckups, but I’m someone who brings joy to the people in my life and I deserved to be loved by them and myself. Was it hard work to get to the point where I can look in the mirror, tell myself I’m awesome, and genuinely believe it? Definitely and I have rough days when I don’t feel that way too. You just have to keep being as positive as possible and fake it till you make it. Being your own number one fan makes life easier.

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