Is it possible for women to experience orgasm through sexual stimulation even if they do not become noticeably wet

  1. Yes. Usually it is only going to happen if that individual has low lubrication, like during menopause, or someone who experience dryness regularly. But it’s also possible to not get very wet if stimulation and orgasm happens very quickly.

  2. Yeah it’s possible. If I have some very quick me time then that’s how it usually happens, it doesn’t take anything away from the pleasure though which is good

  3. Yes absolutely. Wetness is not a reliable sign of arousal, some people just don’t really get wet and for others how wet they get can vary day to day. It can change with a person’s menstrual cycle and can be influenced by an individuals hormonal balance and many other things.

    A cool related fact is that it’s also possible for someone with a penis to orgasm with out ejaculation or even without an erection. That is to say that signs of arousal are only correlated with orgasm, not causated.

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