Or even hint at your feelings?

Regards, a woman trying to have realistic expectations.

  1. *”Dear Men, on a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to make the first move?”*

    Since women aren’t going to make the first move there’s only one number available.


    I know some women are going to say will I’ve done it in the past or some do it. Look, the exception isn’t the rule.

  2. On a woman I’m not dating and met in real life? 0. Not going to happen.

    Online on a dating platform? 10. Because I have to.

  3. 1. I’m pretty much terrified of doing that. I’ve though about it, but I’ve never done it.

  4. most women aren’t gonna make the first move, so as a man you sort of have to. I have been asked out a few times, but it’s pretty rare.

  5. 0

    Usually I just let them come to me

    The issue is that the girls that come to me aren’t the kind you wanna take home to mum

  6. Probably about a 9 or 10. Being a gay guy it’s usually pretty equal though.

  7. Like 5, if it’s someone I know I won’t have to see often it’s fine. If it’s someone I know I’ll be seeing often I probably wait longer to at least get some positive signs to not make it completely awkward.

    As for going up to strangers unless I’m drunk that’s a no go lmao

  8. Probably 1, since I can’t choose zero. I don’t waste my time with what doesn’t work for me.

  9. If I know I love her, I would definitely make the first move (if she hadn’t do it yet).
    But most of the time I’m not sure about my feelings, so I wait like a dumbass.
    So globally, I would say 6 or 7

  10. I can count on one hand the number of times women have even hinted about making a move, and only one that I’d consider making the first move.

  11. 1

    Been there, done that. I’m even told I’m good looking by women and being a 10 on this particular scale leads to severe defeat and unhappiness.

    It’s a 1 because expressing our feelings is always judged as negative and makes us look worse. No matter how many times we’re told to express ourselves the end result is very bad for men.

    I only deal with women who know who to get in through the side door. Very few women know what that even means.

  12. At this stage of the game? Probably a three. It’s pretty unlikely at this point. I put a lot of effort into dating in my 20s and basically got nowhere. Now that I’m older I just don’t have the energy for it anymore. Unless she’s being very blatantly obvious about showing interest in me, the woman will probably have to make the first move now.

  13. A lot of women won’t, most men are wary and tired of possible outcomes…we’s fucked, yo.

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