It’s been interfering with my ability to consistently work out. Sometimes this pressure could lead to a headache, which ruins my first hours of work (especially after a morning running session).

Anyone here had the same problem? And how did you solve it?


  1. When was your last checkup ?

    Sounds like blood pressure.

    How often do you work out ? Are you proficient in that you’ve been doing it for years ? Is this a new phenomenon for you? Any chance you need to work on how to breath ? Are you holding your breath when you should be exhaling for example?

  2. 3 for 3 that sounds like a blood pressure issue. You’re working yourself up and that pressure stays high longer and with more intensity than it should be.

    Definitely see a doctor for best avenue forward. You’ll probably need a couple of weeks of moderate lifestyle change to find the fix.

  3. I’m not sure if it’s HBP, but a doctor would be the way to go. Or at least stop by your drug store and use their blood pressure checking machine.

  4. Well, before you get to the doctor try taking Sudafed and see if that helps.

    You might just have some blockage in your sinuses.

    You can also get your BP tested for free in a lot of places.

  5. Could be dehydration. Drink an electrolyte throughout your workout and see if it helps. Not just plain water. I had a similar symptom when I do weights and gatorade prevents it.

  6. My ears would do that and even pop sometimes when working out or jogging before my blood pressure was ever an issue. It was due to my sinuses.

    It doesn’t bother me anymore even though I *do* have high blood pressure now, but I’ve had 6 surgeries and intentionally stay addicted to Afrin.

    Blood pressure, ears, and sinuses are all likely culprits. If you’re under 40, I’d say see an ENT first. Your GP can help with high BP.

  7. Do you also have vertigo and balance issues episodes (like the room is spinning) to cause your headache? I would suggest you go to the ENT. Could be an inner ear problem.

  8. I’m going to buck the trend here and suggest it might be a eustachian tube issue. If your blood pressure checks out, maybe see an ear/nose/throat specialist. Having said that, there won’t be much they can do for it…

  9. I’m not going to say that it sounds like high blood pressure because I have no firsthand experience with it, but I will say “ask your physician, not Reddit.”

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