When I was young I had some amazing male teachers and I eventually became one and really we do make a difference in the lives of children. But even I ended up quitting to become a professor and teach only to adults.

Why did you quit, especially if you were appreciated? Do you think more men should be high school teachers?

  1. >why did you quit?

    A kid brought his dad gun to school, i don’t like being around guns, got really nervous when i glanced at it in the kid’s backpack, took the kid to the principal and asked for the kid to be removed from my classroom (Transfered to another school), they told me they would do it and i went a week without seeing the kid, but then he came back, i went to complain to the principal and was told that they kid couldn’t be transferred mid semester, to wait until December (This happened around October), i tried working like normal with the kid in the classroom but i couldn’t do it so i got a substitute to fill in until December, December comes and they mention that they can’t transfer the kid (Something to do with the parents not wanting to do it), so i decided it was time for me to quit.

    >Do you think more men should be high school teachers?

    Yes, but it’s mostly due to men being stronger and more intimidating than women on average, guessing that big kids would have a harder time kicking a male teacher ass than a female one.

  2. I didn’t make it beyond going back into school as a Undergrad for one of my classes. The teachers lounge always seemed to have a feminine toxic aura. Most the men came in, got something from the fridge and promptly got the fuck out of there.

  3. I still teach, but I switched from public school to private school because every year, the message at public schools is “here’s a little less, do a little more.” I was working 12 hour days, pumping $3000-$5000 of my own meager salary back into my classroom every year, and still just failing SO MANY kids. I was killing myself and hardly helping anyone.

    Now, nobody says the word “budget” to me, ever. I have the resources to do my job properly, and my school gives out enough financial aid that there are plenty of kids who are there because they deserve to be, not just because their parents can afford to have me killed.

    I miss my public school students all the time, but I will never go back to that broken system. It’s been sabotaged by too many greedy politicians who prefer an ignorant populace.

  4. Money. It sucked.

    I quit and got a corporate job and nearly doubled my salary every year for 4 years.

  5. I quit After student teaching. Why, I saw failings in the idealogy and way things were run that showed a crisis ahead when it came to teaching.

    A combination of head in the clouds optimism when it came to the theory’s in place and a parasitic nature of consultants coming looking to make money off the tax payers.

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