I (24f) am curious to know other’s experience with this. My fwb (30m) frequently cums in my vagina when we have sex and I’ve noticed that in the days after, my vagina smells just kind of, sour. We are both std negative so that’s not the cause, and I never have this smell when we have sex and he doesn’t not cum in me, or any other time. So I know it is directly cum related. It typically lasts 3-4 days after we have sex. I am very clean and have no hygiene issues at all, and I’m fairly sure this smell is related to ph changes due to the semen.

So I actually have two questions about this:

1) does this happen to anyone else?
2) does anyone know of anyway to prevent this?I’m always afraid my fwb will smell this if he eats me out etc. and attribute this to me.

  1. Uh, nope never had they happen, you do clean it out after right?

  2. When I used to be on the pill, I would do the same as you do or sometimes wash it off in the shower just by putting a finger in. Nothing more… Never had any problems though.. Maybe you should talk to your obgyn about it ?

  3. Talk to your Gno. Sex and a few other things can upset the PH balance.

  4. This is common, it’s nothing to worry about. It’s not recommended to douche it out, that can lead to some nasty infections and even pelvic inflammatory syndrome. Clean up after, pee, wash as normal and try wearing a panty liner in your undies which helps trap it if you are unable to push most of it out. Remember your vagina is self cleaning and self balancing, as well as literally being built to handle cum. Don’t use soaps that are super scented or antibacterial, because again that’s not good for your PH.

    As far as worrying about the odor – be honest rather than wait for him to potentially attribute it to you. A simple thing like “I can still smell you inside me” can cover the ground in a sexy way and then you’re not worried about his perception. That said, I’ve never met a man that didn’t know his own smell.

  5. Probably bacterial vaginosis. Happens because of pH imbalance in the vagina due to the semen being introduced to it. PH of semen is about 7-8 and Vagina is supposed to be around 3-4 if I remember correctly. I think as long as he keeps cumming in you, you’re gonna have that problem. Tell him to stop lol

  6. i’ve had the same issue before. typically, it’s because of the pH of his semen. the vagina has its own micro biome with healthy bacteria. when a foreign substance, which in this case (your partners semen) is introduced, the pH is set off and it could potentially lead to bacterial vaginosis (which is the cause of that sour smell). but, your vagina typically does a good job of cleaning itself. so, i would say in order to prevent this: 1. use a condom 2. ask him not to cum inside you 3. if he does cum inside you, follow up with a shower, cleaning the area with lukewarm water. overall, if you’re nervous about him bringing up the smell just let him know that it’s because of him LOL

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