Ive 27(m) been seeing a girl (27f) for about 3 months and shes been my girlfriend for a month. I text her good morning every day and sometimes id see her active on social media for about 30-45 minutes before she would text me good morning back. I tried not to let it bother me at first but today I decided to ask her about it. She said she doesn’t like to talk in the mornings and that shes a little frustrated that I felt like she was ignoring me. No one yelled and I told her I understand and can respect that boundary. We both told each other to have a good day and neither of us were upset I don’t think. Is this a normal thing that happens early in relationships for couples to talk about stuff like this? Was communicating I got my feelings hurt by that, even if it might have been a bit dramatic the right move?

  1. The beginning of the relationship is solely for miscommunications and communication like this. The early periods are when you learn what makes each other happy, sad, angry and what boundaries you each have that will typically follow for the rest of the relationship allowing you both the necessary information needed when deciding whether or not to continue dating long term

  2. It was the right move to talk about it. Setting expectations and saying you’d prefer them to reply as soon as possible is fine, but shes given a reason why she can’t. Its up to you if that’s reasonable for you to accept or if you want to push it more (which may harm your relationship, pick your battles, it’s fine to talk about it but sometimes you don’t get an ideal outcome)

    Absolutely miscommunications and misunderstandings are more common early in a relationship. You’re two glorified strangers. You’re figuring things out, finding out how your relationship dynamic is going to work and communicating, like you did, when things dont work how youd like. You sound like you’re doing things right. Relationships will generally have issues like this one throughout as well. I think they lessen as you learn more about each other.

  3. It’s normal to communicate when ur feels hurt. Good job. U guys resolved it. Keep going like this in the future 😌

  4. Bro, I hate putting my stereotypical frat boy image out there as I am not that person anymore (which I was that dbag back in the day) but……she likes to sip her coffee and enjoy stories before engaging with anyone. Completely normal, doesn’t have any other motives, and why would you care end of day? She wakes up at her own Pace, not yours. Simmer down my man, don’t be this guy as I promise it does not work out well

  5. I straight up dont understand how some of y’all function on a day to day basis.

    Fucking relax dude

    Like why are you stalking her instagram and logging how long she has been online before she texts you?


  6. They’re extremely common, especially early on. I think mainly due to people not communicating clearly.

  7. Match her vibe. You’re probably suffocating with the good morning/good night texts if she never did that to you first. Lay off it for a while text actual convo

  8. Getting to know your partner in the beginning stages of a relationship is going to be filled miscommunications and misunderstandings. Just remember you aren’t the same people and you’re not going to do everything she wants you to do and the same goes for her. It’s okay to be different and have different ways of living life.

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