What do you feel like you attract in your life?

  1. Canine pals & allies, d*** pics, gropers, religious cranks, overprotective children and crime survivors in desperate need of protection from further attacks.

  2. People who feel the need to get in front of me and slow down for no reason at all

  3. I don’t really feel like I attract anything specific. Things just sort of happen, and sometimes I’m around for it.

  4. Queer folks, dog friends, and old dudes that think I’m flirting with them when I’m just doing my damn job.

  5. creative people with horrible memory problems. hard to keep plans but we love each other just the same!

  6. Good people and things working out. Once I got out of my own way and learned to just float, it seemed like the river started taking me wherever I wanted to go

  7. People who either wanna Fuck me or Fuck me over or both. I feel like almost everyone in my life wants to use me for something

  8. I feel like I attract a lot of uniqueness. I think that’s the biggest single commonality, that it’s all stuff that is just not anywhere near mainstream society or normal conventions.

  9. I don’t believe i “attract” anything. I’m a person, not a magnet. Stuff happens. That is all.

  10. People that want to use me as an emotional crutch that don’t value me and see me as an individual.

  11. Emotionally unavailable men that I mother so hard I eventually resent them.

  12. I’m a magnet for interesting characters. For some reason, people with issues are drawn to me and feel very comfortable oversharing. I did want to be a psychologist. I really think I missed my calling since people come to me anyway.

    For example – yesterday I took my kids to a park. A lady came up to me and told me how she recently broke a few ribs but her breast implants cushioned her from breaking more. She also told me how years ago CPS threatened to take her son away if she didn’t give him Ritalin. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    I’m even known as the therapist at my job. Coworkers walk into my office, vent, thank me for my services and then leave.

  13. People who never seem to want an equal friendship. I seem to be doing the heavy lifting check in wise with everyone from family and friends and when I’m over it and back off, I hear nothing for sometimes months. It really hurts and makes me feel worthless that 90% of people in our life really just don’t seem to care about us anymore.

  14. Maybe its because i work retail, but i feel like i either attract racist/ anti-LGBTQ people, or horny men.

    People around me are really quick at showing red flags, really fast. Cant tell you how many times someone has quickly outed themselves to me for not liking “the gays”.
    Which is weird, because im a very radically accepting person. Im part of the LGBTQ+ community, and have pins on at work that mark myself as such. Im also, of course, not racist.

    If its not that, like i said its horny men. Ive had men make comments about my body behind me, with their wives right by them. Some men try to get uncomfortably close to me, and some try to follow me.
    Theres also been times where guys either ask me out/ ask for my number. Sometimes i dont even know their names.
    Now most of the time if i can help it i glare if i catch someone looking and pivot my ass out of view. I dislike them all, but the ones that do it right in front of kids or wife feel so much worse.
    I hope to get more pants and such thar cover my ass soon. Ugh.

  15. For some reason women in their 50s. I ( female, mid thirties) have made friendships with 3 older women and occasionally it’s an older sister vibe but mostly we are equals

  16. People with dysfunctional families and people who are diagnosed with mental conditions, specifically autism or adhd.

  17. People who love to scold me like a child as a grown ass adult…. even into my 50’s. The only theory I have is that I come across more youthful and I have self-deprecating humor. That doesn’t give you permission to snark out and talk down to me.

  18. Lots and lots of acquaintances. I’m really friendly and I meet a lot of people and chat with them, and often see them weekly but I struggle with moving people from the acquaintance to friend category.

    How do I go from being at the same place and chatting to suggesting a hangout outside of our mutual meetup spot? I do not know 😂

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