Growing up into my teens and early 20s, i’ve noticed that guys who played sports and hit the gym have a certain personality trait that makes them come off as cocky douchebags compared to guys who are more into geek stuff. i find myself more aligned with the geek side because of my more introverted, calm nature. why are we accused of lacking social skills when the guys who do more physical hobbies like sports get away with terrible behavior and no one bats an eye??

  1. i’m not sure i understand bc a lot of the guys ik who play sports and stuff are REALLY into stuff like video games and anime and stuff? like video games are huge rn w a lot of guys. like there’s players that stream when they aren’t at practice?

    i don’t think someone’s hobby/interests necessarily leads to a type of personality, and it’s kind of limits your social opportunities to exclude them based off assumptions. plus arrogant jerks exist in all circles, right ?

  2. i don’t see any issue with being sportive/competitive and still enjoy non competitive hobbies. Seems like a very one sided experience for you but i mean sports gives you the ability to believe in yourself and motivate you. I’m not sure if you are just trolling here.

  3. Have you heard people talk on call of duty. As someone who plays sports and plays video games. Way more arrogant nerds than athletes

  4. I think you’ve fallen for a stereotype – plenty of people I know who are into the gym are also massive nerds.

  5. Geeks calm? Tell them that your favourite star wars movie is “the phantom menace” and your favourite character is Jar Jar. There’ll be a shitestorm.

    Maybe you are just noticing those cocky douchebags more while the calmer ones are invisible.

    It might be more extrovert/introvert thing rather than sport/geek thing.

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