How big is your dong and are you self conscious about it?

  1. I feel like I’m the only one who’s never measured my dick. I guess I have never been concerned enough. When someone ask me how big I usually just show them

  2. It’s as big as it’s ever gonna get without surgery and implants so no I’m not self conscious about it.

  3. About 7″ and no, there are plenty of more pressing things about my body that I should be self-conscious about

  4. I’m 8 in and really thick. Never measured but this girl was curious so she measured lol. No matter your size you shouldn’t trip off it, it’s not going to change.

    Focus on your partner get your head and hand game right.

  5. About 7 on a humid day, but it’s thick and that has brought a few favorable comments over the years. And no I’m not self conscious about it.

  6. As long as a iPhone 7 the large size one, and the width is as wide as half the iPhone diagonally split. That’s how I measure my dick.

  7. It’s a fist full of happiness and no not a bit self conscious about its size cuz it’s my maggot and it’s as big as I need it to be

  8. Measured it once for the right size condom. Never really think about it except for that one rare moment during a blue moon, then realise that it’s probably around average, followed by a conclusion that I am unaware of any comparable material (except porn of course but let’s not do that shall we). To conclude: I don’t remember, and I don’t really care. So long as I can please her in more ways than 1, I think I’ll be fine.

  9. Not sure. Not self conscious about the size as every girl who’s seen me naked has had a sharp intake of breath so I’m attractive to at least two women. 😂😂😂

  10. Maybe a bit larger than the average white dude’s penis. Definitely average girth.

    My anxiety does make me think about girls I like choosing others over me because they have bigger penises, but I know deep down it’s more likely because the other guys know how to flirt and I don’t.

    I do get self conscious when I’m wearing a swimsuit though. Getting wet basically displays the exact dimensions of your penis for all to see, and whether or not you’re erect. So if you, say, see a girl you think is really pretty and/or get a glimpse of butt, people can probably tell if you get a boner.

  11. Roughly 6. I’m self conscious about it – I know it’s average to above average and “big enough” but still can’t help wonder what things would be like if it was bigger.

  12. My massive dong is the only thing about me that I am happy with. 7 and a half inches, although it ain’t as impressive now that I’m fat, the fat takes an inch off 🙁

    Working on getting skinnier though so I can witness my magnum dong’s full potential again

  13. Just over 6 inches… not self conscious at all. I like my penis.

    I don’t really care about size and if someone else does… that’s THEIR problem… not mine.

  14. Its like close to 6 inches long and 5.7 girth and I’m still self conscious. While I was still a virgin I thought it was below average, but then when I lost it I realized my size wasn’t really a problem. My real issue is lasting so long that I make women sore and I don’t cum. Its a blessing and a burden. I think I feel it’s smaller than it is because genetically I have tree trunks for legs. I find that’s something I struggle with embracing and being self conscious about.

  15. Right at 10 inches, thicker than a pop can.

    I know because I’ve taken pictures next to a can of pop. It’s closer to 2 cans on top of tech other.

    It’s a mixed bag. It’s ugly, has a knot on it in the middle (thinner in middle than on base). Discoloration.

    I’m self conscious when I was younger and got intimidate with a girl. Always worried it was so ugly the girl would run. That did happen, though they said it was the size not that it was ugly, it was a convenient excuse,though I don’t blame them. I’m married now. She has gotten more use to it over the years, though I still can’t too often or it gets painful for her.

    It’s also so fucking embarrassing when people, mostly men, ask to see it because they heard a rumor.

    Encase anyone says,”name checks out”, my name is because I’m 6’5.

  16. 6ish? Kind of. Porn has kind of warped perception. They say if you are in constant distress about it it is a self esteem issue.
    Don’t worry everyone

  17. less than avg and yes, but its more about how it looks. I know physically its fine its more just the realization theres basically a 0% chance a girls gonna see it and think “I want that in me”. To put it another way, its like comparing a new Honda Civic to a new Lambo. No ones gonna settle for a Civic if they had their pick of cars.

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