I \[F29\] met a cool guy \[M30\] from bumble last tuesday.

We didn’t chat much (exchanged messages once a day), but he still asked me for a coffee date, on the day he was near my city. So we met tuesday for coffee. After coffee and talking (he showed me so many photos of his family and home), he asked, if I would like dinner, as it was already evening. I said sure and we went eating dinner and he invited me. He had spoken mostly, because I was both too nervous and not feeling well. He told me that he thought that I was a really quiet person.

Then after dinner we both went to the central station and spent some time together there till our trains came. He said that he hopes that our trains would be next to each other (they weren’t), but then it was time to part ways he said “Yeah, we will stay in touch and write. ” (He likes talking more than writing)

We informed each other via WhatsApp that we arrived home and I thanked him for inviting me and he thanked me for accepting his invitation and wishing a good night to each other.

I do think that he doesn’t want to see me again, but only because he thinks I am a quiet nerdy (maybe boring ?) woman. I wanted to tell him about a cool new coffee shop, which he would like to go to, but this time I would invite him, but I don’t want to come off as desperate. Or should I delete his number ?

  1. I mean I wrote letters to a couple girls I held candles for after they left my life. The first girl wasn’t worth it at all and never wrote back, but the second one was.

    It’s not that common to offer to “write” rather than just “keep in touch”. Maybe he’s serious. Consider if it would be worth it to write to each other if it just fizzles out over time.

  2. It was only one date. They don’t always go amazingly well, even if you’re both into each other. People are shy and it can be awkward. If you’re still interested in him then invite him on a date to the coffee shop you want to show him. Maybe he thinks you weren’t that into him if you were standoffish. Next time, if there is a next time, tell him you weren’t feeling well and were a bit nervous last time. Seems awkward to say/admit, but trust me – this will break the ice and he’ll appreciate the honesty. And next time try to push yourself out of your comfort more and contribute to the conversation. If you like him then try again before deleting his number.

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