I have been going to SuperCuts recently. It feels kind of lame but the other places I have give about the same quality of cut but cost more. So I keep coming back…

  1. I got a guy, $35 per cut, $45 with tip. Well worth it and on the cheaper end in the VHCOL locale I’m at.

  2. A local barber, whose dad was a barber before him. I look forward to shooting the breeze with him when I get my hair cut every couple weeks

  3. This is the million dollar question.
    In general, places like SportsClips and SuperCuts don’t do as good of a job, but are a lot cheaper. But sometimes you’ll hit a great stylist with the right vibe, interaction, etc – and if you do, exchange contact info and tell them to let you know if they move. It seems the good ones start at these places and move fairly quickly. I did this and ended up following a good stylist elsewhere and using her for years (until I moved out of state).

    Alternative: bounce around barbers locally until you hit one that is a good match.

  4. Over the pandemic, I invested in a pair of nice clippers, watched some youtube videos, and learned how to cut my hair. It took some trial and error but I eventually got really good at it. I save so much money now. Learning how to cut your hair is an invaluable life skill every man should learn.


  5. I have a local barber she cute and very upbeat. She cuts my hair correctly every time. It’s $21 for the cut and I give her a $20 tip.

  6. Before my crown started thinning to the point where I just shaved (and do so weekly now) I went to a Turkish barbers. Most of the time they did the cut I asked for. Sometimes they did something completely different to what I asked for but I never said anything because I’m British and I don’t like confrontation

  7. For a special occasion, local barber, for the more frequent nothing special, I do my own haircut. COVID gave me plenty of practice and now I’m halfway decent and can even blend a fade/high and tight.

    Just takes practice.

  8. I go to what’s probably considered a hipster shop in my hipster neighborhood. It’s pricey and you have to book a few weeks in advance, but the only compliments I ever get are haircut-related, so whatever.

  9. I go to great clips but end up just shaving my head at home half the time. Hard to justify $25 bucks for a buzz cut when I can do it at home for free

  10. Every 4 – 6 months I shave my head. I can’t see paying for a haircut that I will inevitably hate and need to touch up every 3 weeks.

  11. Supercuts for me. I found a lady who cuts my hair good. Been following her around the city for the past 20 years. She’s been transferred to every location in the city. Finally she decided to stick to one that she liked.

  12. I do it myself. When I was about 24 or 25 a guy I worked with got fired and started cutting hair. He was damn good. He also looked like the “Deez nuts… Got em!” Dude just to give you a visual
    He looked he had been cutting hair for years. Designs in the hair, different kinds of fades, anything you can imagine. So I asked him if he cut white guys hair and he said yes. Only charged $7 and wouldn’t expect a tip. I still gave him one. He did an excellent job.

    Went to him for about 3 years and one day I asked how he learned how to cut hair and he kind of laughed and said “the clippers come with directions!”
    I went and bought a pair from Walmart in 2014 and have been cutting my hair ever since. I can do it mostly by memory now and I messed up a lot, but I cut my son’s hair, my dad’s hair, my friends hair, my brother’s hair and everyone loves it. Just read the directions. Smartest advice I ever got

  13. I’m now bald, but back when I had hair I mainly went to super cuts or had friends buzz my head. Then all at the same time I started crushing on two friends who were hair stylists and another friend opened up a barber shop. I started getting good haircuts and holy shit the difference was huge. I looked great. I wish I had started doing that earlier and had more time with good looking hair. I still think I look better bald with a beard now but it would be nice if my good haircut phase lasted longer.

    If spending more money doesn’t result in a better haircut then either shop around more to find the right person to cut your hair or give whoever you’re going to more freedom in what they’re doing with your hair, their probably have better style ideas than you do.

  14. Find a local barber, man – SuperCuts and all of those chain places a very ‘just ok’ at best. A good barber just keeps getting better as they figure out your hair/style, and you get to know each other, which is always cool.

  15. A local hair cutter who does my wife’s hair, as well as my mother-in-law’s. She has a 2-chair shop, which sometimes has a second barber.

  16. Lady Jane’s. I have a nice girl there who’s really chill to talk to and I text her to see what days she’s cutting and she books my appointment for me via text. They just upped the price to $25. I always give her a $10 tip. She’s getting married this month so next month it’ll be a wedding card with $200 in it.

  17. I go to the local barbershop that less than a five minute walk from me. It’s pretty popular and you usually have to make appointments in advance. Haircuts cost $45 and I usually spend $55 or so with tip (I’m in VHCOL.) They spend around 45 minutes or so cutting my hair. They use clippers but also use scissors, a straight razor, etc. I feel it’s worth it for the quality I get. I can afford it but it’s definitely a luxury.

  18. Local Barber. Went in for a beard trim, got a head shave, some kinda steam bath and face treatment along with a great looking trim for 50 bucks. A+ self care will go again

  19. I had a regular stylist at Great Clips I liked. She graduated and got a new job, so I tried out Sports Clips and they fucked my head up *twice* (how do you screw up a high and tight?)

    Got a set of Wahl clippers and just do it myself now

  20. I’m 47 and I’ve had the same guy cutting my hair since — no joke — I was in middle school in the ‘80s. He’s really good and now cuts my hair and my two sons as well as my two nephews. Been at a crappy Supercuts-like place in NJ for all this time but the few times I’ve had to go places like a sport clips when he was out of town for example, I’m shocked at how expensive it is for a really crappy cut by someone who has no idea what they’re doing.

  21. I got a haircut for the first time in three years about two weeks ago, and I went to a local barber because she opened up at 6am on Saturdays, which is a lifesaver for me since I work nights. Otherwise I’ve usually gone to Great Clips, although the last one I had before this was right when the pandemic was kicking off so I grabbed some hair clippers and did it myself at home.

    Anyways I’m enjoying the nice slightly longer cut than I would have been able to get by buzzing everything at home, and it’ll be good for the next few years while it grows back out.

  22. An upscale barbershop. Its double the price of SuperCuts but I make an appointment and get in exactly at that time. I was having to wait an hour on average at Supercuts. Also I get a free beer.

  23. My bathroom. I’m 37 and haven’t paid for a hair cut in 19 years when the last barber just took the trimmers and #2 guard to my whole head. Something my brother roommate had been doing for a year already. I have very coarse hair that can’t be styled at all. This is the best, most stylist thing I can do, I like it, I look good, my wife likes it. I’ve bought maybe four sets of trimmers in that time for about $40 each. Two of those only because I knocked them off the bathroom counter in two separate instances over the years, and they broke.

  24. After bouncing around a combination of a local barber who seemingly was never in one place and the SuperCuts/GreatCuts of the local area, I settled in on a locally-owned barbershop with a staff comprised almost exclusively of Puerto Rican New Yorkers. They cut my hair and when they have a senora in, I have them cut my daughter’s hair as well. 30 for the cut and beard adjustment, 15 for a tip. I won’t go anywhere else.

  25. You have to find a locally owned shop who gives a shit about the quality of their work. I don’t request a specific person but just find a shop with only quality barbers. A good cut is well worth $30-50 imo.

  26. Started going to a local barber school. $10 a cut and there’s a teacher who touches you up (if needed). Then I tip 10. $20 every 2 weeks and it’s still cheaper than everywhere else.

  27. A friend of mine owns a salon so I go to her. It costs more, but she’ll do things like stay open late if I can’t make it during her normal hours.

    Amusing/related anecdote: She also trains new hair stylists. So one day she’s cutting my hair and her intern (or whatever they call it) is watching her cut my hair. Then she says, “If you’re cutting a man’s hair and you want a big tip, just stick your boobs in their face.” And with that, she practically motorboats me. Oh, wow. Lovely view. I gather my reaction was amusing.

    That evening her hubby just texts me, “I hear you enjoyed the view!”


    Good times.

  28. I buckled after getting crappy cuts all over and pay a lot for an A+ cut from a cool hipster dude

    The problem is you either pay hardly anything for a so so cut or a lot for a good one, there’s no middle ground. And since I’m single I want every advantage I can get out there.

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