I accidentally thought today was Mother’s Day. Somehow i managed to convince her it was as well, unfortunately we just found out an hour ago that it isn’t. This could be favorable for me though… I bet now that she thinks she’s had it already I can scheme up really sneaky Mother’s Day plans.

*evil grin*

  1. I’m the wife/mom and thought it was Mother’s Day and organized stuff for our moms and felt a bit sad he was working and figured we’d do something on his next day off.

    My mom told me the flowers are lovely but I’m early

  2. I thought it was too u til yesterday mid afternoon when I googled it. Whew!!!

  3. She won the lottery with you. Well done, Dad. And may you both have great fun with whatever plans you make for next Sunday.

  4. I thought it was as well. But I have a logical answer to why I thought it was Mother’s Day today. Mothers Day May 8th 2002 my 16 year old brother committed suicide. It doesn’t feel like it was 21 years ago already. It was 2 weeks before my high school graduation as well. Thankfully, I have a great wife and 3 kids to keep me busy, which helps the day go by.

  5. Really sweet you want to do it again next week, evil grin and all. Lucky lady!

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