someone is offering you a massage (you’re at his/her place, its the beginning of the evening)
you don’t know if he/she wants more , you just know he/she is a nice person and he/she could be or not be interested in multiple ways (relation , friend with benefits , its just a one time thing ?)…
You are not particularly interested nor repelled by the person.
how do you react ?

  1. Are you a licensed massage therapist? Give me your card and I’ll schedule one at your location sometime.

  2. That’s not something I’m comfortable with. That kind of physical touch is an intimate thing to me, not welcome from people I don’t know well enough.

  3. Massage is a pretty intimate thing unless done professionally. So I wouldn’t trust it in this particular situation

  4. VERY sketch if this offer comes from someone who isn’t already a close friend or SO

  5. “I gotta make a phonecal real quick, i’ll be right back” leave and never return

  6. >you don’t know if he/she wants more

    Um, pretty safe assumption that they want more. That’s fine, so long as everyone involved is a willing, consenting, adult participant.

  7. I always say yes because my fucken back is always tight!!!! If I trust the person to touch me I never refuse a massage. I think it makes it unsexual when I’m groaning loudly like “Awwww yeah, get those knots out. I got stress from work in my right shoulder and stress from home in my left.” If they just continue the massage like they actually care about helping me relax and they listen to me talk about my bad shoulder then that’s sweet and it makes me like them more.

  8. If I’m trying to get with them, I’d say yes.

    If I’m not trying to get with them but we’re very close friends already, I’d say yes.

    If neither of those are true, I’d be a little weirded out and say no thanks.

  9. If it’s a woman, I accept, if it’s a man, I decline even if he is a professional.

  10. If someone is offering a massage, I would probably say no unless I was 100% sure they didn’t want anything more.

    If it’s a friend or relative, then I wouldn’t mind. My back is always sore.

    Rhyming wasn’t on purpose, but I’ll leave it.

  11. I’ll take a massage if someone’s kind enough to offer. If they start getting creepy, I’ll end it.

  12. If I’m not sure if they want more, it all depends on how attracted I am to them. So 99% of guys it’s a hard no. Majority of women and fem-leaning nonbinary folks is a yes.

  13. Talk about it. You’re both adults. Talk about whether you want to have sex. If you don’t want any sex tonight, make it clear. If you’re hoping for sex, invite them to have sex with you, with clear, verbal communication.

  14. I would say that I have diarrhoea and need to go. It’s more believable than a headache or a family emergency because it’s kinda gross

  15. With this scenario I would politely decline. Massaging a partner is such an intimate and connecting thing to do, so if it’s not in a professional sense or with a serious partner then nope!

  16. Unless that person is a professional masseuse or someone I’m romantically/sexually involved with, it’s gonna be a hard no from me

  17. It depends, if I’m moaning that my feet are killing and they offer then go for it!
    If its out of the blue that would be pretty weird and seem like a move in my eyes so I’d say no.

  18. I love a good massage butttt I only let select few people into my “touch bubble.” Also pretty sure it would make me feel guilty and thus have a harder time saying no if they tried to go further and I didn’t want to 😅 but thats me lol

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