I have heard many people say to always marry up. Meaning marry someone richer and better than you. Did you? Is it necessary? What if the person isnt better than you financially etc? Please share your experiences if you have and if it makes a difference

  1. When we got together I was making $13, and she was on salary at a whopping 26k/yr.

    We’re not rich, but we aren’t poor either. She makes double what I do though and I make more than our combined income when we met.

    Being rich has its perks I’m told, but I’d rather be wealthy in a fulfilling life we make together.

  2. I did marry up, but not financially- he’s just an amazing person. He works hard, funny, he’s super attractive, attentive, thoughtful, significantly more romantic than me, responsible. I was making ok money, he was making ok money, we scraped by. Now we’ve been married 10 years and he makes enough money that I can stay home if I want to (which I do not want, but it made maternity leave much easier!).

    He also insists he married up though, so…

  3. My first girlfriend was the daughter of a billionaire. It got weird at times. I recall she wanted to buy me a Ferrari, because she thought I would look nice in it. I vehemently told her not to buy that. Over time, our relationship got more distorted, I felt like a servant. We broke up, her last remark, was that she could make me perfect.

    So, I concluded that I should find someone that was on my level. I like intelligent people, and I married an intelligent woman. We have been together 27 years.

  4. I think my husband and I were relatively equal? I had a good job, was a single mom with my own car and apartment. My husband was a lowly E4 in the Navy with his own car and lived in the barracks.

  5. My husband always says he married up and he’s batting out of his league with me. Yeah, he’s pretty awesome.

  6. I think social climbing is a poor premise to base a marriage, family, and life on.

    I married the man with whom I felt would make an incredible life partner, to share life’s adventures with. We are both on our own self improvement journeys, and treasure every moment we spend together.

    Happiness and tranquility beats financial wealth any day.

  7. Marrying someone who makes significantly less money than you can be a massive financial risk. I hate to be so cold-blooded about it but it’s a reality.

  8. I certainly used to think I married up. But that was when my self esteem was buried underground. People looking for status in their partners miss all the red flags.

  9. 100% married up. My wife is 3 grades hotter than i thought i could pull.

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