So I, 18F, have been „dating“ this guy, 22M, lately and i just don’t know how to figure out if he actually likes me. We both are international students, from the same country, in spain.
our first date was a movie date, we went to a bar, then to his place where he cooked for us and then we watched conjuring 3 and we talked all night long. a week later we met at a club and eventually made out all night.
our second date was at a bar and then we went to a park, again great conversations but no kissing or anything. last weekend we went to yet another party and we’ll you guessed it we made out again. he’s just being super nice to me in general and not pressing for anything at all. i think i might be starting to catch feelings for him but would love to know where our relationship is at, before we continue. what’s the best way to ask him, if he feels the same? or is there any other way to tell?

(btw we’re seeing each other again on thursday and at a party on saturday)

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