I (30M) have been going out with this girl (29F) for 4 dates now (about once a week). What’s weird to me is that there’s basically no communication in between. At early stages I try to keep phone use mainly to set dates. She seems interested in me when we hang out (making out, dancing, joking together), but the total lack of communication in between would tell me otherwise.

I have reached out a bunch of times in between dates, and she’s responded, but never initiated a conversation. I’m starting to feel awkward about even trying to open up/escalating to her more when I do see her, and I’m wondering if I’m wasting my time (I am trying to be intentional about finding a relationship).

Should I not even reach out anymore about planning a 5th date, and let her initiate? Or do I keep planning a date once a week?

Thanks for any advice you have!

  1. If you like her, keep trying. Maybe just bring it up? Sometimes being honest is the best way to solve a situation.

  2. Some people are just not into texting. I (26F) am one of them. It has nothing to do with how much I am into them – I just dislike texting. If it really bothers you, just be honest and ask them about it.

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