I went on a date with a girl. Met on a dating site. Life goals matched. Talked for a week. Took her to dinner. Conversation was great. Only bad note. The waitress ignored us for 30 minutes. I had the cues. Menues closed and looking at her when she passed. I then couldn’t find her. I then nicely asked the manager of they could send her over. Had a good dinner after that. I asked if we could do something Friday and kissed goodnight. Then she ghosted. I would love feedback. Anyone else feel the same. I got honest feedback after another date and it was so helpful in my manners. Edit. I would like this so if it’s something I can fix and I want to. I would like to get better.

  1. Haha very much reason I am on here.

    Seems like she simply didn’t see any connection or is further along with another person. Ghosting is sadly a frequent thing with dating. However her attempt on not wanting to communicate shows her interest in you after the date

  2. Unfortunately you can’t expect feedback on every date, but what you can do is not take it personal, sometimes people will ghost us over things that have nothing to do with us but themselves.

  3. No why should i get feedback from a women i wont date again ?

    I will date ANOTHER person and every body is different. The feedback as a whole i can get from all kinds of sources.

    But its just not logical. Why chance your self for someone that isnt there anymore ?

    Look just an example “oh i didnt liked your clothes i would liked if if you would dress like X.” And then what then you dress like X and the other women dont like you because she likes Y. That is the problem in this things.

  4. Yes but the problem is that you never know if what they are saying is the truth or whether they are just being polite to avoid a confrontation.

  5. I completely understand you since I’m currently being ghosted by a guy after he told me that he wanted to see me again 💀

    I always give feedback even if I didn’t feel a connection but apparently this is rare nowadays

    I’m so tired of being ghosted by immature people. And no, it doesn’t get better with age

  6. Sadly it doesn’t work that way and a lot of the time even the girl doesn’t know. Literally the wind could have been blowing a certain way and your foot was pointed towards her at a 35 degree angle when it should’ve been a 37 degree angle.

    There is just so much more they consider way beyond how you treat them during the date and personal hygiene.

  7. FWIW I suspect she ghosted you because you’re an inoffensive person who did nothing wrong and she didn’t know how to articulate why you weren’t her type. That happens. It’s actually a lot easier to reject someone when you have an incident or tangible incompatibility you can point to.

    Put it behind you and move on. You seem like a sweet person.

  8. yea I would want feedback too. doesn’t mean anyone is going to get it

  9. No. It’s not as helpful as you want it to be. Just because one individual isn’t interested in you, doesn’t mean their reason for being uninterested has anything to do with anyone else.

    Learn to be self aware and read cues from other people, those are important social skills.

  10. I guess you have nothing to lose in asking for feedback, but not everyone will necessarily want to respond.

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