I’ve been friends with the people living at this house for two years now & they’re the nicest people I’ve ever spent time with. I planned on moving in with them in the Summer, but I ran into a snag. I got off work at 11 & got the contact info for the landlord so I shot him a message introducing myself & letting him know I was interested in applying to join the lease in a few months. I was exhausted when I got home so I just crashed into bed & went to sleep.

When I woke up I saw that not only did I read the info wrong & call the guy by his last name only by accident, but that he was pissed about getting texted that late & after a few hours he messaged again to say I was incredibly disrespectful & that he wouldn’t be leasing to me.

I apologized profusely & clarified (without deflecting blame) that I work late hours & don’t text much so I simply wasn’t aware that most people don’t prefer late comms like that (or are savvy enough to know how to set their phones to DND after 10PM), stressed that I’m a responsible person who works a management position at my job & if they were gracious enough to give me a second chance, I’d be eternally grateful.

Any advice on what to do from here?

  1. You really didn’t know that a text in the late evening was poor form? And then deflect that he should have set his phone to DND.

    This landlord has read your entitled ass like a book.

    Time to look elsewhere.

  2. Yikes. Well, typically you don’t text people that late. That said, grown adults know how to turn off the volume on their notifications when they’re sleeping and it seems weird to get upset about getting a text that late if it didn’t wake him up.

    There’s nothing you can do at this point. Hopefully they’ll get back to you, but if not, there’s not much else you can do.

  3. I guess you find somewhere else to live. 🤷‍♀️

    As a landlord, he probably cannot put his phone on DND because if one of his tenants has an issue, he needs to be available.

    To me, it really was rude to text at 11pm. I can’t put my phone on DND because I have an elderly and sickly parent and I’m also on call for work. I have to be up between 3-5 am so I go to bed between 8-9 and if someone was pinging me at 11pm, I’d be grumpy too.

  4. Some phones have an option to schedule a text message to be sent, I know you said you’re not normally texting but that’s an option. But really 11pm is too late…sorry

  5. As someone who is friends with someone who manages several properties, you don’t message them at 11pm unless it was an emergency. You most likely pissed him off because he probably leaves his phone on in case of an emergency. What you texted him wasn’t an emergency. Yeah you “weren’t aware”, but most would agree 11pm is pretty late.

    I don’t know what you can do to make up for this. Maybe you can meet them irl and apologize, but it might just be a sign you need to find another place to live.

  6. Business texts during standard business hours! How on earth did you think it was a good idea to text so late?!

    >I simply wasn’t aware that most people don’t prefer late comms like that (or are savvy enough to know how to set their phones to DND after 10PM),

    Please! What rock have you been living under that you don’t know better than to text a stranger late at night for business reasons? Especially when there’s no urgency at all . And it’s *incredibly* entitled to say that someone should set their phone to DND on the off chance that some oblivious night owl will reach out for no reason. Not everyone has the *option* to make themselves unavailable. You know nothing about his life, his schedule or his obligations.

    You have only yourself to blame for not being considered for tenancy.

  7. Find somewhere else to live. Seriously you need to use your brain. Any one else could have seen messaging a stranger late at night was a dumb idea. learn from this

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