Hi everyone , so long story short I(21M) am going to work tomorrow on my first job ever. I didn’t have time to prepare as I just today got the news of the new job. All my family work there but it is a public institution so there are also lots of people I don’t know , I certainly don’t know my new bosses (some are diplomats) so I’m almost on my own. It’s only a temporary job so I’m afraid people that work there permanently will tease me or something , even if they are grown-ups. I’m also afraid co-workers get close to me and ask about personal stuff (relationships, sex ) that I don’t want to answer and would get anxious if asked ( I’m almost isolated if it weren’t for family and college, that are the only things I do )

Tldr: new job in a public institution with diplomatic people, first job ever. Afraid people will treat me badly or wonder too much about my life

  1. It’s not high school, if they treat you badly and bully you then you call HR or an attorney.

  2. If they ask questions you aren’t comfortable answering, try changing the subject. People love talking about themselves, so you could steer the conversation towards them instead. If they ask you something inappropriate, which they shouldn’t, you can simply choose not to answer or say you don’t feel like that is an appropriate topic for work. If anyone says or does anything that makes you really uncomfortable you can report them to HR for creating a hostile work environment.

    You will probably be asked a few personal questions by your new coworkers like what you’re going to school for, what you do for fun, stuff like that – which is just them trying to connect with you and find common ground. Good luck, you’re gonna be great.

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