What’s the most hilariously embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you in a public setting?

  1. One time my friends and I were trying to sneak into this fenced off area at the park. It was fenced off so only paying customers could access an obstacle course.

    While climbing, my athletic track shorts got caught on the chain link fence and rip!!! I landed on the ground, my shorts stayed on top of the fence.

  2. I’ve had a lot of things happen to me, but this is the first one that popped into my head. It was right after I had gotten LASIK and my husband (then-fiancé) was walking me out of the office after my procedure. I hadn’t sat in recovery that long because he kind of rushed me out thinking I’d be just as bored as he was after he’d gotten his LASIK done just a few weeks prior. He didn’t know at that time I have a bit of a fainting problem. The office was in a tower over a busy shopping mall, so I got in the elevator, which shot down to the main floor, and I made it about five steps out of the elevator before I straight up passed out in the middle of the mall. I woke up surrounded by handsome smiling firefighters and thought I was in heaven hahah. They checked me out and made sure I was okay and I walked out on my own. My fiancé was SO apologetic for rushing me and I said “oh yeah, I just faint sometimes.”

  3. Front row at a bloodhound gang concert (yes this was a while ago). Me and one of the band members were communicating over eye contact and smiles a bit, at some point he offered me his cup of beer. I nodded. He threw it and instead of catching it i managed to let it hit me fully head on in my face. He laughed, i died and to this day i am so grateful that this happened before everyone filmed everything at concerts.

  4. I’m autistic and often get over stimulated while shopping. Some of my stims are particularly “odd” to some. I don’t realize I’m doing it. But watching tiktok I learned how to shake my ass with barely any real movements. Just kinda bending over to get something. I did one of those little movements. An old man yelled at me. Called me a whore really loud. Thank god I head my noise blocking headset on.

    I also stutter some times when I get excited and people can miss hear stuff I say. I was at church once when I was a child. I tried to say I was sick, and it sounded like I was getting dick. The priests jaw was in the floor.

  5. Racing through DFW to catch my connecting flight, getting dirty looks and double-takes but didn’t know why. Made it to my gate and finally looked down – my shirt had unbuttoned itself almost all the way down and I was wearing a VERY lacy bra. /r/bigboobproblems

  6. I was wearing a mid thigh length cotton skater dress to class back in college. I walked there from my apt. I looked cute and felt cute. Well I’m wearing a backpack as well. I hadn’t noticed that it had gripped the dress and hiked it up so my bare ass was showing. I was wearing very cheeky underwear. A kind stranger jogged up to me and let me know. SO embarrassing because I have no idea how long I walked around like that. I’ve done other embarrassing things but this one realllllly sticks with me.

  7. Didn’t happen to me but honestly i was mortified : we were in a work meeting. Meeting ends. We get up and I guess my female colleague reached for her phone in her back pocket… except there wasn’t JUST her phone but also her underwear… dirty underwear, which fell on the floor in front of all the other meeting attendees.

  8. My cousin and I were on our way to class and we stopped to get us some drinks. We were both wearing our scrubs and I am rather well endowed. We were getting ready to get in the car when a man stepped up, looked at the car, looked at me then said “I don’t know which headlights look better, yours of the cars.” I went scarlet, my cousin is laughing her ass off as I get in and shut the door. I still get teased about my ‘headlights’ lol

  9. I was in 4th grade and I had terrible social anxiety. I had to use the bathroom (which was in the classroom) but I had a fear of walking in on another classmate using it even after if I knocked. Minutes past and I really, really had to go but I decided instead to wait and kept hyping myself up to go. Well, I waited too long and I let out a massive fart. The classroom was quiet before than so everyone looked at me. The teacher noticed me embarrassed and told everyone to get back to their work. I couldn’t look at anyone for the rest of the day.

  10. So there is the one I posted in here the other day, where I set someone’s name as my Facebook status instead of typing it into the search bar lmao. Left it up for about ten minutes before I realized and deleted it.

    Bonus embarrassment: the time I tripped on my shoelace leaving a concert and tumbled down a small flight of stairs, only to land at the feet of a police officer who promptly yanked me up and attempted to arrest me for public intoxication. It made a huge scene. Everyone stood around watching while my friends swore I hadn’t even been drinking, and he sobriety tested me, just to conclude that I was not in fact drunk, just actually *that* fucking clumsy. The three block walk of shame to the car after that was real fun.

  11. One time I was at a festival and found a group of people that I knew an old friend of mine was familiar with. I introduced myself as so-and-so’s friend, we small-talked for a while and eventually went our separate ways. Later that day, I was stumbling around drunk in the crowd trying to get back to my group. I accidentally tripped and fell over someone’s shoe, landed face flat in the middle of whatever group they were sitting with. I got myself up and looked around… it was the group I talked with earlier. They didn’t say anything. I just dusted myself off and kept moving lmaoo

  12. Drank soju for the first time in South Korea in a fried chicken restaurant back in 2013. Didn’t realise how strong it was until I walked to the window and tried to open it, thinking it was a door.

  13. Being at beach after hours with my girlfriend at the time we were getting romantic in the backseat both of us in our birthday suits and suddenly blue flashing lights appeared from a distance and boy we didn’t have enough time to collect ourselves gave her my coat to cover up and I took my shirt and put on my lap … What a night that was …😉

  14. Had a complete “Marilyn moment” while going commando in a sundress in Rome, that was fun.

  15. We were on our first cruise and one of our stops was on Halfmoon Cay, a private island.

    I’d never seen sand so damn white, except in movies and on TV, or water so clear and blue. I’d only been to beaches on the Texas coast, where the sand is brown and the water is too.

    So I got off the ship and you have to walk down a little hill to get to the beach. I didn’t walk. I *ran*.

    And predictably, I tripped over something and fell on my face and ate sand. I got back up, looked back at my husband and son and went “I’M OK!” and then ran down to the water where I happily freaked out because these tiny, glass-clear fish were all around me and I was like “OMG LOOK AT THE FISHIES! OMG FISHIES I LOVE YOU!”

  16. We were in asia going to a restaurant by taxi. It was raining so I tried to run to the restaurant that had a little waiting spot under some cover. There were a lot of people waiting there and I slipped as I was running right in front to them ☹️

  17. Wasted beyond belief one night (there were some extenuating circumstances that caused this level of drunkenness), I passed out in the men’s bathroom on the toilet. My roommates boyfriend got me out of there. I remember nothing. He claims it wasn’t so bad but I don’t believe that.

  18. I was wrestling with a guy friend at like 16 years old, and he had gotten me so I was in a headstand position. Queefed loudly, in front of a bunch of 16 year old guys. They started laughing about me farting, I said it wasn’t a fart stupidly, and then they started laughing harder because they realized I had queefed. Still shudder at that today

  19. Fell down a gigantic set of stairs at Alexanderplatz in Berlin during rush hour. I was wearing a white dress and carrying a glass bottle of chocolate milk that crushed under me on the way down. I will never forget limping back home that day as a chocolate mess.

  20. In high school I was on the basketball team, our first game I was so nervous when I got the ball I shot it and it was the wrong net. Everyone laughed it was embarrassing 😳

  21. Ya’ll ever sneezed with a mouth full of raw broccoli?

    …..yeah me neither….

  22. After church one Sunday, I went with my boyfriend’s family to a restaurant in town. Medium sized restaurant for a teeny tiny town. Every single person in that restaurant knew me. I was wearing a dress and heels. I was holding about half a dozen of those big red plastic cups and my heel slipped. My legs and ass went straight in the air as I fell and very loudly dropped the cups. Everyone looked. Everyone saw my ass. Multiple people ran up to help me and I wanted to cry. At least I had a nice ass back then I guess.

  23. Checking out at the local grocery store when the clerk mentioned my bottle of wine labeled Menage a Trois. Oh that’s my favorite kind she said I love to sip it out on my patio. We chatted a bit then I picked up my bag and headed to the exit. Just before I walked out she shouted to me from several check stands away “Enjoy your menage a trois!”

  24. I was on a ferry boat to Catalina Island and had to use the bathroom. I had been hanging out inside the cabin area, but the bathrooms were outside on the back of the cabin, facing the back deck. On the back deck were several rows of seats for passengers to look at the ocean and enjoy the fresh air on the ride. I had to walk in front of all of them to enter the bathroom though.

    I guess the bathroom door didn’t lock like I thought it did, as someone was able to pull it open while I was in there. Unfortunately, in their panic and embarrassment at walking in on me, they just abruptly turned and rushed off *without closing the door again*. The bathroom was deep and the door was just out of my reach, and was gently swaying open and shut with the movement of the boat as horrified onlookers stared at me from the deck seats.

    I was finally saved when a different person jumped up and shut the door for me and stood guard til I was done. It was a terrible feeling walking back out of that door in front of all those people. I was only 15 so it was at the height of my embarrass-ability. It stuck with me for a long time, lol.

  25. Wigs flying off heads will always be top tier. 🙂 Happened to me Christmas dinner 2019 🎄

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