TL;Dr : girl was giving me many good signals, but I found out she sort of lied to me and she has been silent for some days, don’t know if I should move on or text her to know what’s up

So a few weeks ago I matched with a girl on Tinder and after a few day texting I asked her out and we met in the city and hung out together for an afternoon. I quite liked her and she gave me a ton of compliments too, she even considered taking me back to her place but she had to study before her early exam the next day so we agreed it could happen the next time. Things were for the better and we were both keen on going on a second date.

We then texted every day or so until we met the next weekend. We were supposed to go to some art exhibition together but she had last minute stuff to do, then she was supposed to host her hometown friends who were coming over for the weekend, so she invited me to her place to chill with her and her friends. I was not so happy about this change of plan but I had no plan anyway and I wanted to see her. It was chill but I had some mixed feelings. On one hand she was leaning on me, wanted to touch me, on the other hand she barely ever talked at all. It was a little confusing to me so once the chill out was over I texted her to know if everything was fine, she said she was just spaced out because she was stoned, I asked if she was down to meet just the two of us next time she said yes for sure. I thought all was still going well.

Then the next day, at the very last minute, I got two free tickets for a concert so I called her to know if she wanted to come. She told me it was a pity because she had a train soon to go to her hometown for the week, she contemplated cancelling it but I told her not to and that we would have time to meet again anyway. She said yes for sure, I’ll call you when I come back in town. And she then posted stories from her hometown so it was true. She also liked my stories from the concert and texted me telling me she regretted not being here. Then I realized she told me she had important stuff to do here in town on Tuesday, meaning she wasn’t gone for the full week like she said. I innocently texted her asking her how it went and she told me it went well, implicitly admitting she was actually in town. I then sent a couple more texts to keep the conversation flowing and she was much less involved than usually.

I’m really confused because she gave me every sign she would want to meet again and now I caught her lying and basically avoiding me. I’ve not seen this coming at all. My pride is telling me to suck it up and move on. But I also think I might give it one last chance because first date was amazing and she seemed to be on the same page. Is it worth texting her again in your opinion?

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