We got a food delivery today from one of the major food delivery apps and the driver had attached some religious literature to the bag (on the outside with a stapler).

I am mildly offended by this but I know that reporting the driver through the app could potentially lose him his job.

What would you do in this situation?

I’m not going to report the guy. Just wanted to gauge opinion for my own curiosity.

Some people mentioning that the actual content would make a difference. It’s quite fire and brimstone which is what irked me about it. I already feel bad about myself for eating the burger!

Also apparently I’m woke. I don’t know what that means but noted.

Edit 2. TIL many people don’t like the word ‘offended’.

  1. Hard one really. I probably wouldn’t report them but would stop them and hand them back the pamphlets with a word or two if I’d noticed before taking the bags in.

    It’s just a stupid thing to do. Unprofessional.

  2. Just throw the pamphlet away because it really isn’t a big deal? I’m not religious at all and I also hate it when people try to push religion on others. But when compared to the type of things other people do, stapling a leaflet to a bag of take away is probably one of the least intrusive things someone can do. Just throw it out with the rest of the take away trash.

  3. Yeah absolutely I would.

    I don’t want shit like that with my cheeseburger.

  4. Fuck yes, I pay for delivery I don’t pay to get fucking preached at.

  5. I’d definitely report them. This behaviour needs to stop. The employer wants them doing their job and I don’t want to see such nonsense.

  6. I’d report it. Believe what you want if it doesn’t impact other people, but push your childish imaginary friends on others then you can fuck off.

  7. I’m probably petty because yea I would complain. You don’t have the right to push your beliefs on others, especially with their food order?? Imagine going to their house and posting your opinions through their letterbox. It’s unwarranted and creepy.

  8. If you went to a restaurant and the waiter handed you a religious pamphlet while serving your food would you complain? Absolutely! People need to stop bothering others with their beliefs. I’d contact the company now

  9. If it’s from a big chain then I might raise it as they probably have corporate policies for such a thing.

    If it’s an independent place they probably won’t care.

    He’s choosing to do what he’s doing so will have to accept the consequences if it does lose him his job.

  10. As long as it wasn’t hateful, no.

    If it was, for example, saying LGBT people are gonna burn in hell (like the card a lovely gentleman once handed me on the bus…) then yes.

  11. I guess it depends what it says.

    If it’s ‘you are going to burn in hell for eternity for you are evil’ I don’t think I’d be best pleased.

    If it’s ‘please visit our welcoming faith centre’ then that’s ok.

  12. No, just bin it. People put all sorts through the letterbox as it is that goes straight in the bin. No big deal.

  13. If I’d read it and decided that there might be potentially extremist views expressed then I probably would report it, but if it was just standard JW type stuff then I’d chuck in the recycling and not think anymore of it

    Also jumping on the ‘why must it be the driver?’ bandwagon: I’m sure the restaurant you ordered from has human employees, and potentially one is new or has recently decided they want to go against company policy, head to the subs dedicated to McDonald’s and the like and you’ll see just how much stuff happens which could also be easily blamed on a deliver driver

  14. Depends what it is. Tea and buns down the church hall for Easter? No issue. Pastor Himmler’s Open Air Reichskirch Revival? I’ll unleash hell.

  15. I would. If I order a pizza, I don’t want it with a side of attempted indoctrination.

    Also, I’m sure that the place you ordered from would appreciate knowing that they’re being used as a platform to promote a religion.

  16. Very surprised at how offended other commenters sound. Can easily just bin it and forget about it, didn’t cause any harm

  17. Yeah I would. In my professional capacity I’ve worked with people with religious trauma and that would have set them back on their recovery.

  18. It’s never that deep, if you don’t care or believe in the religion, then just ignore it and throw it in the bin..🤦🏽‍♂️

  19. Report it.

    If they want to do leafleting, it should be done on their own time.

  20. Leaflets for all sorts come through the letterbox and you bin them no doubt, what did you get offended about exactly? Just chuck it if you’re not interested. Unless there’s some extremist paraphernalia involved I doubt the person that attached it means any harm. I’m not religious at all for the record, but I’m not gonna consider reporting someone for even attempting to change that over a bloody takeaway.

  21. Seemingly controversial based off the general consensus on this thread but I would most likely chuck it in the bin and carry on with my day. Doesn’t offend me or affect me in the slightest.

  22. I wouldn’t be happy about it but reporting really depends on what the content is. If it was just a leaflet for the church down the road and seemed fairly innocuous then I wouldn’t report it and just throw it in the bin whilst I mutter to myself about it. If it was saying things that promote sexism, homophobia, racism etc then I sure would. I ordered food, I didn’t order your opinion on human rights.

  23. Ignore people calling you woke, they don’t know what it means.

    I’d either leave them a review saying you don’t appreciate it or call/email just letting them know you don’t think it’s appropriate. They should be providing you with the service you’re paying for, not providing you with information about cults whilst you’re eating your tea.

  24. Yeah I’d report it, if someone insists on godbothering they can do it on their own time and without the cover of delivering my food.

  25. Unless it’s a hate message I’d ignore it and bin it and enjoy your food. Leaflets come through all the time. Yeah it’s a bit weird but unless he tried to convert you it pressure you into something is it a big deal?

  26. Tbh, it’s not something I would report him for as it’s a very mild inconvenience, but maybe tell him it’s just not appreciated if he delivers to you again and to stop. It isn’t something he should be doing though; especially at work.

  27. I suspect the restaurants would want to be made aware that their food was being delivered with a side of judgement.

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