This is my first ever post. i am an averagely attractive male 25 and I met this girl on Bumble. from the beginning, she felt so adorable. Our late night chats , turned into 2-3 hours long call. It was so intense, that if we didnt talk for atleast an hour to eachother for a single day, it felt like there’s something missing. Since, i was in different city for a month , we didn’t get to meet in person, but we both were love with eachother. I would have preferred to see in person , to get an idea of how I looked ….but since that wasn’t possible, I went continuing our sweet interaction.

i have pretty crooked teeth for which I got braces 2 months back before i matched with this girl…..but it didnt feel like a necessity to tell her, also it’ll make the other person see me as an inferior guy.

Anyways, when i was back in the same city where she lived…..we planned our first date on the same day and it went fabulous. We had such good chemistry and even matched on all levels. I restrained myself from smiling much as to not show my teeth. The date went great, we went to second base at her place. We had three great dates where I didn’t smile or laugh with my teeth and at the end of fourth date she suddenly tells me she doesn’t find me attractive and ends things with me immediately.

She stopped replying to my texts and replied that I made her quite uncomfortable, which led me to the conclusion that maybe it’s because of my teeth. Losing her felt so painful . I tried to coat this grief with going out with 2 dating partner and even slept with both of these women. Dating other women , made me realize how special that girl was. It was like that song” I would never fall in love, until i found you”.

It’s been 3 months now , that my 2 month time length of best dating experience ended (it felt like the best romantic movie you’ll ever see). I’ve been listening to out call recordings when I feel lonely. it’s not like , I can’t date other women …..just that no one has ever come close to the level of attachment I had for her. …..and she felt the same on our calls.

My plan is to complete these braces treatment for the next eight months and reunite with her. Some people will judge her for dumping me for just physical unattractiveness, but she’s the sweetest person i know who sometimes even get insecure in her own skin. She saw me as less confident too…. i guess, since I didn’t smile much with her because of my teeth I don’t find any girl attractive enough for a serious relationship after i’ve known her.

Am i making the right choice ? Will we get back together.

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