Men, do you prefer the thrill of the chase? That excitement of chasing someone and then when you get them you get bored and chase new one?

  1. Yes and no. No i don’t like it if the girl acts disinterested. I’d just move on. But I have to admit I’m more interested when a girl makes it difficult to sleep with her. Do kind of lose interest if she sleeps with me on day 1. I even get worried and think about getting an std test as I assume if she slept with me this easy she probably sleeps with everyone.

  2. I find the whole ‘chase’ game fucking stupid. Either you like each other, or not.

  3. It seems to me that in this case a man wants to prove to himself that he can do anything, to achieve his goal, and when he does, it becomes uninteresting.

  4. no, i have no interest in playing games and if you do that to me i will forget your name faster then you can spell “playing hard to get”

  5. No, for a few years at least that sort of thing has gotten something of a harassment stigma. Even if it’s a two to tango sort of thing I don’t see how that would lead to a healthy relationship.

  6. It’s fun. I definitely enjoy the opening stanza of getting to know someone. Figuring out how you two click. There’s this wonderful emotional spice when it’s new, fresh and exciting.

    But, 6 years now with the same person, I find myself not missing that early part. I know her so well, and her me. We’ve helped each other through so much the thought of re-entering the dating world sounds pretty bland comparison.

    I could do it, but it would mean I’m no longer with her and that’s not a situation I want!

  7. Nah lol, i got better things to do with my time. If youre game then ok but im not bending over to get attention

  8. If she isn’t putting in equal or greater effort I’m not interested. There is no chase.

  9. Nah, fuck that. I need a potential partner to show interest. If I want to chase something, I can play frisbee.

  10. Chase = deterrent.

    If she wanted me she has to let me know or in the rare occasion I take a chance and actually make a move she should accept.

    Anything else = give up on her and move on.

  11. *”Men, do you prefer the thrill of the chase?”*


    *”That excitement of chasing someone and then when you get them you get bored and chase new one?”*


  12. Depends on how shit went when I caught them

    If she was worth the effort, why wouldn’t I wanna reap the benefits for a while and see what develops

  13. Chasing is garbage for both genders, people should just be who they are and not play games.

  14. Attractive men with options will mostly answer Yes.

    Less attractive men will mostly answer No.

  15. I’m not sure it’s always boredom. Sometimes people don’t click sexually, so they move on.


  16. No its just a feeling of forlorn hope. It’s like, here we go again maybe it’ll actually work out this time. Chasing is a chore for men, yet women try to make it out as some fucking melodramatic exciting occurrence like a cliche film. You’re not specially picked by a guy, you just happened to say yes when the last 20 girls said no is kind of how it goes.

  17. No, the opposite. If I get the idea that she wants me to chase her I’ll wish she’d run faster. The further away from me she is the better.

  18. No. Chasing is overrated and very rarely is it worth it. Especially because she’s usually a thot. Ladies deserve a chase. But idk any.

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