What’s your fav. Sci-fi Space film ?

  1. I’m a sucker for Men in Black

    Goofy humor, cool weapons, decent sci-fi.

  2. Rogue One. It’s both a great Star Wars movie and movie in general imo!

  3. My top-two are Apollo 13 and The Martian.

    As an engineer (and former employee of a company who made the Challenger O-rings), that problem-solving is super pleasing to watch in action. I think every mechanically-minded person dreams of being stuck on a desert island, or in a room, or on a spacecraft, and having to MacGyver their way home.

  4. How dare you ask such a simple question with such a complicated answer. I love Sci-Fi movies and I can’t pick just one. My shortlist would probably be 100 movies.

  5. *The Empire Strikes Back*, *Aliens*, *Apollo 13*, *The Martian*, and *Interstellar*.

  6. Space Jam, obviously. And the true Michael Jordan version, not the Ready Player One ripoff with LeBron James.

  7. According to my letterboxd it’s pretty tied. Dune, Interstellar, The Martian, Star Trek II/IV/VI/First Contact/Galaxy Quest, then it’s all kind of just a big morass.

    If you’re looking for stuff to watch the best American science fiction has always been on TV, though. Admittedly, so has the worst (and a lot of it can be wildly inconsistent in quality, much of it has kind of bad first seasons). But it’s less known outside the US. Babylon 5 kick-started modern prestige TV, the BSG reboot is awesome until it gets weird, The Expanse is always solid. And that’s hardly scratching the surface.

  8. 2001: A Space Odyssey wins, hands down.

    The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) is second. Forbidden Planet, third (though I would have liked to have seen the JMS remake that was planned but abandoned).

    Fourth is The Wrath of Khan, mostly for reestablishing the SF genre. Star Wars is sometimes credited for this, but the three Luke Skywalker films didn’t really prove that SF as a whole genre would rebound, especially after the lame ST:TMP.

  9. Sunshine.

    Not the most popular movie out there but certainly a hidden gem.

  10. Am a big r/startrek fan, but for some reason the Alien series was the first to pop into my head.

  11. Not adding new in the tread: Alien, Aliens, Martian, Interstellar

    Haven’t seen these ones in here: Gravity (sci-fi because of probability of all that stuff happening), Solaris (Russian), Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy

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