So I made a new friend that I met off tinder. I had met up with her 3 times and every time we were together we got on so well, had common interests, and overall it was very enjoyable.

She has a boyfriend and the last time we went out together her boyfriend was there also. I got on great with the both of them, but for some reason I hadn’t heard from her In a few weeks. I text her and she didn’t reply. Then I text her again asking if she wanted to meet up and she said yes, but it seemed to me like she didn’t really want to.

Then after a while I asked her did I do something to hurt her, and she told me that some jokes I made had made her uncomfortable! (This was a month after the original night out we went on together and everything seemed fine to me!) But I’m obviously upset that she said I made her uncomfortable when there was no sign of this whatsoever when we were together!
What do I do?

TL;DR Friend is uncomfortable with me and I don’t know why?

  1. > she said I made her uncomfortable

    We don’t always get explanations, given the length of time you knew her you’ll probably not get more here.

  2. What were the jokes?

    Also, I mean, you met off tinder, you only met three times, and she has a boyfriend now. Are you sure you’re friends? Or just an attempt at dating that fizzled out?

  3. You could have implied that she should break up w her boyfriend and said you were “joking”. If I had to guess it’s something along those lines. It’s been 3 times that you have hung out. Just move on.

  4. You met a girl off tinder yet she has a bf. So either y’all were trying to have some kind of throuple thing, or you didn’t get the hint after she said she had a bf.

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