I (20F) don’t really have friends I could hang out with, I used to have a few, mainly classmates at the time or fellow students from uni. I live in a small town where there aren’t any meetups or hobby clubs or whatnot, so I can’t really go there to meet new people, but I would like to find new friends with hobbies close to mine anyway. So I got this idea: our town has a local chat – not a Facebook group, but kinda similar thing, people just talk about stuff there – and I really enjoy tabletops but have no one to play them with. So I was thinking of writing an announcement there of sorts for anyone who might be interested to gather and play some tabletops together. In our local park, for example. And get to know each other in the meantime or just talk and have fun for a while. What do you think? Is this a good idea? Or is it pretty stupid?

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