So my ex broke up with me a month ago. I can’t say I’ve been perfect since the breakup but I’ve done nothing close to this.

I was on a date last night and I got a text from an unknown number asking why I cheated on my ex, which I never did. It really ruined my mood during the date. After it was over I just responded with a question mark. They responded that my ex told them I cheated on her. I tried to find out who it was but they stopped responding.

I’m very conflicted and confused on this. I don’t have any desire to talk to my ex anymore. On the other hand as much as I don’t like her, this doesn’t seem like something she would do. Should I confront her about this or leave it alone for now?

  1. Here’s a good piece of advice. Don’t let other people pull you into their drama. Your time is too valuable to be worrying about a text from someone who won’t identify themselves. Block them and move on.

  2. Leave it alone.

    If they send another message, block them.

    If your really curious, you might just google the phone number, and it can sometimes give you a name. That being said, just drop it.

  3. Man, just walk away. She probably cheated and is projecting. Let it go.

  4. Sometimes people try to fish for sympathy like “buuuhuuu, my ex treated me so awful, he cheated on ne all the time.” They want to deflect that they are the one that caused problem in the relationship.
    This happens especially often when people talk about the “crazy ex”. So often they were actually the crazy ex.

    Your ex is a closed topic. It could have been that she contacted you with a fake account just to know if you had cheated. Maybe she can’t get over that you date again. I personally never chat or talk with people i don’t know.

  5. Your ex told someone that you cheated on her. Sounds very immature, but not surprising. Your ex most likely provided your phone number to this person. She could have even bought a burner phone from Walmart and did it herself. I’d not worry about it. It’s really immature and shows by these actions.

  6. It could have been a wrong number. I got a random text like that once and I hadn’t even been in a relationship for over 3 years. I would just ignore it. If you get another message like that just block the number and move on. Sometimes people just play childish games like this.

  7. It probably is your ex, but what is concerning is the timing. Could they have known you are on a date? Or seen you out? I’d recommend changing all password and locations settings if she could have had access.

  8. My guess is ex has a new bf and told him that you cheated and that’s why you broke up. New BF is trying to be all hero now

  9. Probably your ex or a friend of theirs that knew you were on a date. Something like that is not accidental.

  10. No one cares about this besides your ex and *maybe* her closest drama-loving friends. Just don’t respond and it’ll all be fine.

  11. Potential crazy thought here, but:

    Your ex found out you had a date and had a friend text you that, hoping your date would see the message popup. That would leave your night dead in the water.

  12. >I don’t have any desire to talk to my ex anymore.

    Ok, so don’t.

    >Should I confront her about this or leave it alone for now?

    Why would you do that? You said you have no desire to talk to her.

  13. I wouldn’t think to much farther into it because it’s more than likely your ex sending it. Block the number and go on about your day.

  14. Many people decide that the best way for things not to be their fault is for it to be someone elses. It sounds like someones telling stories about you to feel better about themselves. It’s not hard to guess who.

    If you want to confront it you can, or you can not care, but I wouldn’t let it ruin my mood that someone else wants to make themselves the victim to feel like it’s ok to do horrible things to other people.

  15. Add the number to your contact list and then open up a chat in WhatsApp see if you recognise the picture

  16. Your ex is pathetic for pretending to be someone else and messaging you

  17. I bet it’s your ex texting you to bait you. Perhaps she’s not coping well with the break up and trying to fishing for a “why” or a reason to hate you.

    Either way it’s petty drama even if it really is “her friend” and not the ex herself.

    Block and be done.

  18. “Got proof?”

    Just block the number, if it’s an ex that you want to stay as an ex then interacting with anything to do with the ex is just wasted effort.

    Why bother

  19. Block unknown number and ex. This is her trying to pull you back into her life whether you like it or not

  20. 1. If you liked your date and feel the need to, maybe reach out and apologize for the awkwardness, and explain the situation.

    2. Block and move on with your life, your ex is an ex for a reason

  21. To be honest, it could be anything from a wrong number to your ex playing a sick joke on you. All I could say, you are out of this relationship now, your ex is the one who ended the relationship, you don’t owe her or anyone any explanation. And tbh I find it a bit odd and childish that someone would be so invested in knowing why you cheated. Don’t sweat it and please ignore any further messages (from this number, or any other number) about this issue, and block them as long as you need to. Don’t bother yourself with these children’s games.

  22. Sounds like pettiness from someone who isn’t entirely at an adult-relationship maturity level. Do you really want to be spending your time and energy on that? Do you go check on your trash after you’ve taken it to the curb? As others have already stated, leave the drama behind and move along. There’s nothing to gain from investigating further.

  23. You have two choices –

    a) The mature response is to just block the number and continue with your life.

    b) The immature response is to reply “*well after she admitted to really enjoying the gang-bang two months ago, that was enough for me*”.

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