What was the action / turning point that made you fall in love with yourself?

  1. I feel like there is no single action or turning point which leads to it, it’s a gradual and ongoing process for myself. I focus more on self care activities, like eating right and exercising. I practice positive self talk as well. I just started prioritizing my own needs, on top of being a mother and a partner.

  2. When I realised that loving myself was something that I would have to commit to doing every single day. That in combination with self care activities that actually supported myself vs just the things I like to do (exercise and eat well vs video games and snacking).

  3. I held onto a lot of resentment and internalized the hate from the times my family had done me dirty and it made me bitter. I felt that I was owed an apology and I had a really hard time letting it go. I came to the realization that I was holding them to a standard they weren’t capable of. People who had done what they did and who were still denying they were wrong a decade later aren’t people who were worth my peace of mind. I take care of myself the way I’d take care of a child. I’m my biggest advocate and I’m cool with that

  4. I’m working on it right now. But it’s the realization that I can make my life easier if I’m kinder to myself. It’s not easy because I have a lot of negative thought patterns to turn around and a lot of work ahead of me in building self esteem and self worth.

  5. There was a moment. I was doing dishes and hating on myself. And I had a thought: ‘if someone else told you these problems, is this what you’d say to them?’ And I started to cry. I decided maybe to start giving myself the grace I would to others. Total game changer.

  6. When I realized that I was just chasing the crumbs of affection from my ex, I knew that I needed to make a change. I wanted to love myself without outside influence. Once I am fully at that point, I feel like I will be better protected from having a relationship tear me apart again. So far it’s going great!

  7. When I started going to places alone and ended up enjoying my own company.

  8. Learning to see myself how others see me and believing their compliments.

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