I (18F) and my boyfriend (20M) have been together for almost two years. We have never argued, never broken up, we have always been the “picture perfect couple.”
We met online, but we live close (2 1/2 hours) so we see each other whenever it is possible.

Recently, he met this girl, we’ll call her Trin. He and Trin have been hanging out everyday. Going to each other’s apartments, he’s walking her home, snap chatting all the time. He says she can only text on snapchat because her parents look through her phone. But she lives at college .. how does that work?

I’ve told him multiple times that how close they are negatively affects me. He told me that if it hurt so badly then to break up with him. It makes me feel like a bad girlfriend because I want to trust him but I don’t know what to do in this situation anymore.

He has a past of cheating, his stories don’t line up, what do I do?

  1. Hanging around with a girl so much he just met is bang disrespectful. You don’t need to waste your time with a guy like that nor feel dad. Forget him and flow on

  2. There are a few things going on…

    First, his reaction to your expressed concerns should NOT be a singular choice of “then break up…”

    Second, if he has a history of cheating – and you were aware of this – you kind of knew what you were getting into… didn’t you? Most people who cheat, cheat 🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. What you should do is exactly what he told you: Leave him. If he’s so casually offering that option, then he doesn’t value having you by his side. And he disrespects/dismisses your feelings getting hurt, since you have already tried to talk to him about this. You deserve better. His stories do also indeed not lineup and he’s cheating emotionally by getting that chummy to her. If he also sleeps with her, is unknown, but given that he cheated in the past and tells funky stories and could care less if you leave, it seems pretty likely. Don’t put up with this, leave

  4. Alrighty, he has a past of cheating, he’s been talking to “Trin”, walking by her house, spending time alone with her (at each other’s apartments). I think it’s quite clear what is going on.

    You’re 18, you have a lot of life to live and a lot of good guys to meet. Drop him.

  5. You don’t need proof. He already told you he’s done. As soon as someone says “if you don’t like what I’m doing. Then break up with me”, they are telling you that’s what they want.

    You are not being a bad girlfriend. He’s being a bad boyfriend. Find someone better. There are many of those out there that will treat you better!

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