I’m 50, single and recently decided to date younger men. What are the pros and cons?

  1. Definitely the mental maturity is a con. You are in a different places in your lives. Also I guess the guy wouldn’t be interested in anything ong term but with some luck you might find one. As to pros, younger guys have better stamina and are more likely to do stuff that your generation deems gross

  2. Let’s chat. I dated a women for 8 plus years. I’m in my early 40’s now. She is in her late 50’s. Loved her. She loved me. It is difficult. Will absolutely share my personal, private advice and experience if interested. It can get tricky. Have to ask yourself why you are dating him, not how old. Is this for you? Or for him? Both? You may find out you go down a private relationship route and when that ends the problem is you have no sounding board or anyone outside of your relationship. You and her or she and I. However cleaver. Have no idea how to even actually contact you. It’s my b day week so I’m heading to Jonnnnnys!

  3. He will in your eyes make you look good….in the eyes of the world you may look like a predator depending how much younger he is..

    If your not into deep and meaningful then your good to go but there are young male doctor types out there who could hold there own but are you at that standard?

    The sex in theory should be better but in reality is a myth plenty of able body men pushing into there twilight years..

    Your unlikely to find anyone “serious” unless they have a mummy thing…but ive known women dating and marrying younger men but max age gap was 8 ys.

    If your looking to get your rocks off then you need to do it with a guy around late 20s early 30s for best bang for buck, and some of these guys know the score meaning they maybe expecting you to meet the dating costs…

    In the end dont think about it just do it, i have dated much younger women now for years….

  4. There’s nothing wrong with being a cougar as long as both are adults who love each other (& I’ve never been a toy boy) but if both are happy with the setup I won’t get in the way as it’s none of my business who you date

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