Have you ever had to deal with mud daubers?

  1. Constantly. I grew up on a farm. Mostly we just left them alone as long as they weren’t plugging up something important.

  2. We have them here. Usually they build nests in the rafters of the shed.

  3. They really enjoy my creekstone front porch, they build their tubes right on top of the mortar

  4. Yes, there are a lot around my house and in my attic, but they are very passive. You don’t mess with them, they won’t mess with you.

  5. I don’t really “deal with them” as much as I just see them everywhere.

  6. As I understand it they parasitize brown and black widows so I don’t “deal with them,” I just let them go about their business

  7. We have some that build nests on the side of our house but they aren’t a nuisance to us so we leave them alone.

  8. Yes. There are a bunch of them constantly above my parents front door. They don’t cause any problems. (They’re not assholes like yellow jackets.)

    I did kill the ones that made homes nearby when my children were toddlers because they didn’t have the sense not to touch them.

  9. Yeah, one or two of them sneak into my house every year, usually around the end of summer. I think they slip in between the gaps in my sliding glass door.

  10. I leave them be unless my GF starts wanting to get rid of them. Hell, they ain’t hurting anybody other than the spiders they stuff in those tubes.

  11. All my life. They were even in the upstairs room of our house. It was unfinished so easy for them to get in.

  12. Not really. They’re slurping up flower nectar and eating black widows, and I’m…..not. Same planet, different worlds.

  13. They don’t seem to be as common where I am now. Although I’ve seen a few around. I get wasps. They seem to really like my windows.

  14. Had one plug up the intake to an air compressor once, other than that they’ve never been a problem.

  15. Yes. They’re common in the South, and you’ll regularly find them and their mud tubes on/in houses and vehicles.

  16. Yes they terrified me as a kid cause i have a wasp/bee phobia. I will still stay away from them if i see them

  17. Just let them be but once they cross the line in my house, they’re dead meat

  18. I see them, I don’t really deal with them, I just leave them alone, they eat other bugs I don’t like and they don’t really bother me if I don’t bother them.

  19. we call ’em dirt daubers. It’s pretty neat how they build their ‘nests’. They catch spiders and I guess some insects to close up in the nests to feed their young. At least that’s what I discovered when I was young. Mainly spiders is what I remember. Also, I’m just guessing it was to feed their young. I can’t think of why else they’d entomb them in there.

  20. I was horrified of them as a child. As I grew into my teens I realized how harmless they are. Also we called them dirt daubers.

  21. All the time. They make large mud pits for their homes all up in the eves. Best way to destroy them is to use a power nozzle & destroy their mud hut.

  22. Never thought of it as “dealing with them”. They mind their own business and so do I.

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