Me (20f) and my girlfriend (22f) have been together for 5 months now. We have been best friends since April 2022 and started dating in December 2022. I moved in with her in September 2022 to get away from my toxic family and have been together almost every day since then, we also work at the same place on the same shift. Lately every little thing she does annoys me for no reason, I don’t want to be annoyed at her but she’ll jokingly say something and it’ll make me mad for no reason. I hate it because I love her so much. Is there such thing as spending too much time with her? How do I fix this situation?

TLDR; moved in with best friend started dating. I get annoyed at small things she does. How do I stop? Is there such thing as spending too much time with her?

  1. I think it’s a normal part of getting used to your S/O. Things you may at one time found cute, often can become annoying overtime. Maybe not for everyone, but I do feel that’s the case with most. It’s pretty normal. As far as spending too much time together, that can certainly make it worse/speed up the process at which things become annoying.

    That’s why it’s important to have your own hobbies and friends that you can do things with often, outside of the relationship. imho it’s not healthy to only spend time with your S/O and do nothing else. It’s good for both parties to have side hobbies.

  2. Oh yeah it’s normal. I figure if i can even annoy myself sometimes there’s no way i won’t occasionally be annoyed at the others in my house! It’s essential to keep some time to yourself. Besides, doing things on your own occasionally will give you new things to talk about later!

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