I’m 25f he is 24, we’ve been married for 1 year and a half. Last night was one of those nights that really remind me of why I love my husband. I’ve been really stressed about family stuff, so last night when I got home from work he decided to make me breakfast for supper. He made French toast, sausage, and potatoe patties, we were out of syrup so he decided to make homemade syrup which was way better than the store bought. He was doing so much at once and I was trying to help him, but he gets strict when he wants me to relax lol.

I feel so lucky to have this man in my life <3

  1. You are!!!

    Good choice though…

    Pat yourself on your back for having good choice…

  2. Your post is dead-on to an important concept:

    Happy couples never stop dating.

    I’m not talking a specific dinner-and-a-movie dating, but a lifestyle. This is the many little acts of kindness and thoughtful things we do when we start out and when we have butterflies and are having fun making an impression with our partner. Don’t stop doing that. Those cute older couples we all admire *are still dating*. It’s both of them doing sweet things and other random acts of kindness to show their spouse that they are loved and that they matter.

    Like what? Giving compliments daily. Saying that you’re proud of them or of something they’ve done. Getting them a drink refill. Bringing home a treat from the store. Helping them out without asking. Making a cocktail for them. Quietly taking care of little nagging things and repairs. Filling up their car. Washing their car. Surprising them with tickets to something. Checking in during the day. Cheerfully going to things that their partner wants. Holding hands. Gentle touches. Writing little notes. Genuine thank-yous. Adding humor wherever. Fun surprises. Playful pranks. Sending encouraging texts during the day.

    Yup, that’s easier said than done I know, and we’ve all been there in the grind. But my wife and I both have been doing it that way for each other for four decades.

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