I just saw this on the Ask UK sub. My fellow Americans, do you put butter on toast before spreading peanut butter? What about jelly or jam? Or honey?

  1. For toast I would do butter and jam, butter by itself, peanut butter, or butter and honey.

    Butter *and* peanut butter is gilding the lily (but let’s not pretend like I haven’t done it).

  2. I’ve never seen anyone put butter on a PBJ and that should be grounds for deportation to a Commonwealth landmass.

  3. I wouldn’t add butter to peanut butter. I wouldn’t toast a peanut butter sandwich either.

    Edit: Are they referring to sliced bread as toast? Or toasting the bread itself?

  4. Butter before jelly or honey.

    No pre-peanut-butter butter. My dad does this and it alarms me every time.

  5. I’ve never heard of butter with peanut butter.

    I will sometimes put butter with jam.

  6. If I’m using toasted bread and feeling extra decadent, I’ll add butter before the pb and jam.

  7. My grandmother would put butter on before the peanut butter. I however, cannot stand it. It’s either butter and jelly or peanut butter and jelly.

  8. What about before adding bacon? I’m firmly in the no butter before bacon camp, but I will use mayonnaise or just a bit of bacon grease.

  9. I saw a video showing someone doing this and was thinking in my head nooooo! That just sounds wrong. I’ve eaten peanut butter and jelly or butter and jelly but combining them doesn’t sound right.

  10. If it’s a toasted English muffin, I’ll sometimes add butter then peanut butter. I like the way the butter sinks into the nooks & crannies. But for regular toast, I’ll only use peanut butter.

  11. On a sandwich, no butter. But if you’re having peanut butter toast in the morning for breakfast, sure. Put it on right after it’s out of the toaster and it soaks right in, then put the peanut butter on and youre good to go. Just peanut butter on toast with no butter is perfectly fine though.

  12. I do not put butter and peanut butter on toast. That is an abomination. Everyone knows that butter and peanut butter go on untoasted bread. Silky smooth perfection!

  13. Would never put butter AND peanut butter together on bread or toast. I love a PBJ on toasted rye bread.

  14. Butter and peanut butter, butter and jelly, butter and butter, not butter, peanut butter and jelly

  15. I’ll do toast with butter and honey but that’s it.

    I think butter and peanut butter would be gross.

  16. I will do butter with jam or honey, but never with peanut butter. I will, however, do peanut butter and honey, and it’s delicious.

  17. Toast options:

    Butter only

    PB only

    Butter and jam

    That’s it. Those are the only acceptable combinations. Honey doesn’t belong in the equation.

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