I’ve said:

‘Clean ya dishes after you use them please ❤️

I cleaned up the stuff on the bench from this morning which I didn’t mind doing but just for future x’

They’ve all seen the message but noones responded. I’m sure it’ll be fine but I want to know if I asked in the right way??? Is there anyway I can reframe it so that they respond with some acknowledgment or accountability? Idk

  1. That sounds good what you said, I’m sorry i hate it when flatmates don’t clean up after themselves, ive been in flatting situations like that and in one had to move out because they kept doing it and not acknowledging my messages which was really rude and also not cleaning up any mess in the house and it became too stressful living with them as felt uncomfortable around them due to this

  2. I can see most people not responding to that–not because you asked in a terrible way (you asked in a fine way), it’s just not something a lot of people will send a response to.

  3. It doesn’t matter how perfectly you say something, sometimes if they don’t want to meet you in the middle, they won’t and that’s 100% on them.

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