As a friendly reminder to all you folks that Mother’s Day is on Sunday, I’m curious what your personal traditions for celebrating your family may be. We all know of flowers and chocolates, but do you do anything special for the mothers in your life?

  1. Flowers, balloons, a card, her favorite food + desert, hanging out with family.

  2. Making her brunch and going for a walk.

    I’m so lucky my mom is low maintenance and just wants to see me.

  3. Don’t know yet, this’ll be her first one in town. Shall uave to think of something fun.

  4. Buy her a card and a corsage, then take her to church. The only time I go all year. My brother-in-law does the cooking for the family on Mother’s Day.

  5. For my MIL, the tradition is to plant her summer herb garden and have a nice lunch together. My mother lives on the other side of the country, so I usually send her a card and small gift.

  6. When I was a kid, we would go visit my maternal grandmother in the small town my mom grew up in, then go visit the family cemetery with our extended family (she was one of 6 kids).

    Now my grandmother passed years ago. My mom still tries to go and visit her family down there in her hometown and visit the family cemetery.

    I go when I can.

  7. Making whatever the women-folk want for dinner. So … basically the same as every other Sunday.

  8. I was born on Mother’s Day but I can’t exactly repeat that feat every year so cards, flowers, chocolate, maybe going out for dinner or something.

  9. > We all know of flowers and chocolates, but do you do anything special for the mothers in your life?

    What’s going on in your world that flowers and chocolates aren’t special?

  10. Before she passed away my grandmother’s birthday was always right around mother’s Day. So we would usually have a birthday / mother’s Day dinner with her and my Mom.

    Now that I have my own kids and my wife is a mother, our tradition is to clean up my wife’s flower beds and go to the local garden store / nursery to pick out some new flowers for her garden. And we usually try to make a trip down to the coastal Maine botanical gardens. My wife really likes gardening if you couldn’t tell. XD

  11. When I was living close to my mom, it included giving her a gift and card, and then having a nice brunch or dinner somewhere, and possibly also an activity she would enjoy. Since I am living away now, I have a virtual video chat with her, and order her a gift online.

  12. Turn on baseball and see pink bats and go “ah shit!” and then call my mom

  13. Our tradition is me doing absolutely nothing. I get the complete day off. Usually starts with breakfast in bed from my husband, a mother’s day card and present from our cats and then later our daughter will come over and they will cook and do all the clean up.

  14. All the women in my family have an outdoor brunch with homemade sangria & go swimming.

  15. Mine’s been gone since 2018. So, I mostly feel pretty terrible all day.

    If your mom’s around, please do something nice for her.

  16. Calling my mom and apologizing that her gift hasn’t arrived yet without letting her in on the secret that I lost track of time and forgot to order something.

  17. I don’t have parents so I actually never know when this holiday is until I hear people around me bring it up. If you asked me point blanc when mother’s day is, I honestly wouldn’t be able to give you a date. I suppose my tradition is to ignore it.

  18. My brother and I each buy my mom a hanging fuchsia plant and we grill food at my parents’ place. He moved away so I’ll get her two this year.

  19. Our family tradition is to do nothing, because my mom hates Mother’s Day.

  20. A frantic call to a florist the Wednesday before, followed by a call to my sibling so we can seem like had something planned all along.

  21. Mother’s Day is my day to not be Mom.

    As in, my husband does the “mom stuff” – dresses our kid, remembers to put sunscreen on her (and reapplies it), notices if she needs a bath, notices if laundry needs to be done, figures out what the meals will be and gets them on the table, comes up with activities, packs snacks, on and on.

    Meanwhile, I go to Target by myself.

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