What are the things you have changed in your diet that have made you feel mentally and physically healthy?

  1. No booze. Helps massively. And I do not drink cow’s milk in coffee. Drink max of 2 coffees a day and drink lots of infusions. Also I am a fan of IF. I feel more enegerised which helps my mental and physical health. Nothing extreme. Some changes bit by bit. Feeling better.

  2. I mostly gave up carbs and sugar. After several years I started incorporating carbs back into my diet but in small amounts. I lost a lot of weight and more importantly I felt a ton better in every way. I don’t even like sugar anymore. It tastes yuck to me now.

    I started having meal replacement shakes for breakfast about 8 months ago and they have also been fantastic. I don’t ever feel bloated anymore like I often used to, and they have reduced my appetite significantly.

  3. Upped my protein, reduced my simple carbs and sugar. Drinking a lot more water.

  4. I have a couple health conditions that means I have to eat this way but since eating gluten and dairy free, and avoiding onions and garlic, I feel way better and way less bloat than I had before. I’ve also lost 20lb so far by changing my diet and lifestyle.

    I do also practice IF, where I eat between 12pm and 6pm and only drink clear liquids between 6pm and 12pm.

  5. Decided on and stuck to a reasonably healthy breakfast and lunch that I have every single day. Breakfast Greek yoghurt with homemade granola and fresh fruit, lunch fried eggs on toast with sriracha.

    It means I know I’m getting a good balance for the first two meals of the day without having to think about it too much or spend too much time cooking, and then I get my variety and fill any nutritional gaps in the evening meals.

    It’s a load off my mind!

  6. Quitting caffeine cured 75% of my anxiety. Exercise and therapy helps me manage the rest.

  7. I eat less fast carbohydrates and sugar and more fish and enough fat. Combined with exercise, I feel much better than I did a few years ago.

  8. Magnesium powder and omega fatty acids 3 and 6 (anchovies, tuna/salmon, eggs). Eat lots of greens and drink water.

  9. Eating a good balanced breakfast. It’s often overlooked but helped me mentally and physically get through the day. q

  10. No ultra processed foods and almost no sugar. I still indulge in something I really want to, like a fresh croissant from ny neighborhoods boulangerie once in a while, but not the junkie foods and sweets that are actually not really good but it’s full of sugar so you get addicted…

    I feel more energetic, less tired, less bloated, more focused, 10/10

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