first, i am not apologising for my bad grammar

TLDR \[i recommend read the long one because tldr lack many small but important things\]: gf ignore message and don’t contact with me in any way and be mad for a few days then talk with me again like usual, i want advices on how should i behave when gf is mad \[both when i chat with her online and at school, we sit on same table at school\]

i think it is not necessary to talk about the past of the relationship because it is stable, the relationship lasted for about 1 year, now i think the honeymoon or something i frogor ended, so now she’s been acting like her real self, but there’s one thing i don’t really consider it a problem, everytime she say something and then i don’t understand, she’ll become mad and then ignore my messages or chat in a aggressive way \[for example she would tell me to break up or something like that\], her madness will stay for a few days \[i don’t think being mad for that long is normal\] then when the mad disappeared she will act normal again like before, every time she says she wants break up she don’t really have a reason for it, she just say it like it is right to do it \[i think she’s immature and that’s okay\], we didn’t had any argument that’s too big before, she’s a direct person so if i did something big and wrong and she forgives me then she’ll say that she forgives and once she say forgives it MEANS THAT, and she forgave everything i did in the past so yea that’s her real personality

we’re classmates and we sit on the same table, every time she’s mad, she will move her chair far from me and won’t communicate with me or say anything, she just stay there minding her own business, and she won’t allow me to touch any part of her body once she’s still mad \[lol that’s normal i know i just share so you know\] i’m an invulnerable person so yes

i think i should get to the thing i need now, i just want some advices to act around her when she’s mad like that, i want to know what i should do and not do every time she’s mad like that, google never provides the information that i need, so i just want to know what not to do and what to do when she’s mad like that \[both when i chat to her and when we at school\]

things i do when she’s mad:
online chatting: i just randomly ask about her day like how are you or did the day went well like that and of course she just see the message and don’t reply anything, or saying things like ‘i will bring abc to class today’ so she know that

at school: i don’t touch her body at all and i leave her alone minding her own business and i mind my own business too, i sometimes will just stare at her face because i got used to do that lol, she also notice that but she try not to look at me, when i need to borrow something from her i’ll just say ‘i’ll borrow xyz for a bit’ then i take it, but she will try to hold that thing so i won’t get it, but it’s like she want me and not want me to take the thing at the same time i don’t know how to explain, i don’t have an eraser or some stuffs because i lazy to buy so i must borrow or else i can’t use it

ok that’s all i hope if any of my behaviour was not good you can tell me so i will fix it, i improve myself constantly not only in the relationship but also in life

  1. You guys should break up lol this sounds super toxic and immature. Pulling her chair away and ignoring you in class? I can’t even articulate how immature and embarrassing that is not only for yourself- but for her as well..I mean seriously grow up.
    Why would you want to be in a relationship with someone that publicly humiliated you and would not deal with your issues in private outside of school?

    Regardless of the fact that you are both 15 , common respect and common sense more so .. are two very basic life skills that people need to learn and right now you guys are acting like babies. If you have any chance of the relationship surviving you need to talk to her outside of school and let her know that you are not going to deal with the ups and downs and if she’s struggling with her mental health or some thing you want to help her ,but it’s either that or break up because you’re not gonna keep getting played with and emotionally abused.

  2. I mean yeah the silent treatment is really immature and bad for relationships. I think the best thing to do is that in a calm moment when you’re not fighting, you ask her how she wants you to act in that situation. Maybe she needs space for a little bit and she doesn’t want your messages.

    It would be a lot better if she just asked for some space instead of getting mad randomly and shutting you out like that though

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