What can you say instead of ‘have a good day’ when you want to be kind but know the recipient isn’t having good days at the moment due to factors out of their control?

  1. “Hang in there!” “Keep your chin up!” “I hope things improve for you!”

  2. “I hope things get easier for you!” “I hope the rest of the day treats you more kindly.”

  3. Depends the person but if I know that much detail I probably am close enough to say, I’m here to listen to anything, let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.

  4. I have a chronic illness and when I’m in a flare, hearing “have a good day” or “hope you feel better soon” or “hang in there” makes me want to scream.

    I do like hearing:

    * Sending you strength / support / hugs
    * Be good/kind to yourself
    * I’m always here for you whenever you need me (and actually mean it)

  5. I’ve been having a rough time in regards of health. My husband has been telling me “I hope you have as good of a day as you can!”

  6. Have the best day possible.

    If they’re a mother and troubles with the kiddos, “Hang in there Mama!” “You got this.”

    And if you know that bc of whatever it is their day isn’t going to get better, “this too shall pass”, “tomorrow will be better” or in the words of Annie, “tomorrow’s only a day away.”

  7. “Sucks to suck” hahahaha jk jk. “I hope things get better, I know it’s been tough for you lately.”

  8. I’m a hairstylist, so a lot of my guests come in and have a lot of things going on, such as death in the family. I usually just tell them I’m sorry again for their loss, and to take care of themselves and I’ll see them next time. It feels personal still, but I also am not cheerfully telling them to have a good day when they are obviously in the middle of terrible things.

  9. “I hope the rest of your day goes as smoothly as possible” is in regular rotation for me.

  10. I hope the rest of the day treats you kindly/gently/sweetly or I hope you have some peace today.

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