I was away this past weekend and met a 25F who I instantly clicked with.

She just happened to be my fiancée’s, (together 5 years), cousin visiting from Spain.

I’ve never considered infidelity in my relationship. Lusted after women, naturally, but I never, ever felt feelings of infatuation. I love my fiancée, but this woman is amazing too.

We spoke naturally for hours, and I could tell she was into me. Nothing happened between us. She said she’d miss me.

I know I need to just appreciate the good times and move on, it’s a fantasy. I guess I’m more so looking for advice on why God, (or Xenu), only shows you amazing women who live on another continent, are your fiancée’s cousin, and who will melt your heart and you can do absolutely nothing about?!

It’s been a couple of days now since I saw her, she has my number but haven’t heard anything from her yet; and I’m leaving it that way.

  1. You should probably take it as a sign to relieve your fiancé. Considering her feelings and yours, probably not a good idea to get married. God, “or Xenu”, gives us signs every day that is our job to pay attention to and act on.

  2. This has nothing to do with this other woman. She is merely a catalyst for your own doubts about settling down with your fiancé. At this point, you should only have room in your heart for one woman and we all know who that should be. Lusting is perfectly normal. We all experience that. But feelings of love and yearning and longing? You’re doing a disservice to both your partner, yourself and indeed your network of friends and family if you continue on your current path without at least addressing this. Will you live an authentic life? Or will you “keep up appearances” and pretend your way down the aisle?

  3. The honorable thing to do here would be to break off your engagement and leave this family alone. You’re not ready to get married if your head can be so easily turned and obviously unless this cousin is a straight up sociopath she’s not going to entertain your advances. Your fiancee deserves the chance to find someone who’s actually capable of loving her.

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