What’s your age when you experienced your happiest moment?

  1. I was 20, my partner at the time proposed to me and then the next day turned into my saddest moment when I found out he cheated on me multiple times during our (at the time) 5 year relationship. Turned 8 years totally before I left him.

  2. Forty. That was when we bought our house and I finally achieved my dream goal.

  3. Like 27-28 I think. I got a compliment for my appearance for the first/only time in my life. Even though it was just for my hair, I felt a special kind of happiness that I doubt I’ll ever get to experience again.

  4. 18. the summer i graduated high school was the best. the 1st semester was even better !

  5. Barely 28. I had just finished up school, I knew I was gonna graduate. I’d already submitted my job app and it was looking good.

  6. I think that it was a year and a half ago, I was 23 and had just married the love of my life.

  7. I don’t know what my happiest moment was but the age I was happiest was 18-19

  8. 23. Took my first ecstasy pill on a rave (I never had a drug problem , took pills maybe 2 or 3 times a year since then). I remember thinking “this is the first time ever I really feel unconditionally happy, although knowing it was just chemistry.

  9. 37 years old. There was a moment on my wedding day after the ceremony and speeches where my husband was so overwhelmed with emotions that he couldn’t eat. He’s not one to really ever get emotional, he’s always quite calm about anything really. He felt sick and just needed air, so I left the wedding tent with him to sit outside on the rock ledge. We could hear the music and everyone inside enjoying themselves, but in that moment it was just him and I. We sat there holding hands and I think he as leaning his head on me. It just felt like the perfect moment, being in love, being married and celebrated by the people who care about us, but also just being alone together without all our guests…just us.

  10. 12, I ranked the first on my final exam in my entire school surpassing the smartest girl in our school which was like a dream come true.

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