How do you deal with bitter people? The passive aggressiveness or off tone of voice that just speaks volumes of envy or jealousy.

  1. I don’t. as much as I can passive aggressiveness is my absolute least favorite thing.

    I will avoid it at all costs.

  2. Simple answer: don’t. There is no dealing with people like that. They will continue to act that way regardless of what you do or say to them. Keep your interactions with them as brief as possible and spend more time with people who will treat you with the respect any human being is owed.

  3. I treat them as if what they said to me was nice. ESPECIALLY if it’s a tone thing. For example, if they say super sarcastically, “Nice JOB!”

    I will say brightly, “Thanks! I worked hard on it.”

    That sort of thing. You don’t have to take their tone at face value. Steamroll right past it with YOUR OWN VIBE.

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