my gf usually has her period today or tomorrow and we want to try raw. we plan to pull out after around 10 minutes so just to see how it feels. we dont want to get pregnant. is this a good idea?

  1. Having unprotected sex when you don’t want to get pregnant is never a good idea. If you want to go raw, you need to use some other form of birth control

  2. Its risky even if shes expecting her period, she should definitely get on birth control if she isnt already. I get it, i dont like condoms either, but id you dont want to get knocked up youve got to be really careful

  3. I wouldn’t recommend it unless she’s on some kind of birth control. If you’re going to ignore our advice and do it anyway, at least use spermicide. Pullout is not a good method to use alone, pullout should be used in conjunction with other methods.

    This experiment could backfire. If you like sex without a condom a lot more, you could be tempted to keep having sex without one, or you might struggle to keep an erection with a condom on becuase you remember what raw felt like.

  4. Absolutely not, pulling out is not a good idea because semen comes out of the head even before ejaculation.

    Also the fact that she is close to her period doesn’t matter, it would be safer to do it immediately after her period, but that’s still really risky.

  5. Yep. Have at Hoss. The window of getting pregnant is like 48 to 72 hours. And that window exists during ovulation which happens halfway between periods. Can’t get pregnant without ovulation. You can dump as much of that fucking poison in there as you want. Plus think about how much better it feels leaving it in anyway. This is the safest time to blow your load in her. Sperm lives for days inside there. Just don’t do it for the two weeks after her period And you should pretty much be okay.

  6. Is she on birth control? Pull and pray means a baby is soon on the way, as I always say.

  7. >We want to have baby making sex.


    >We don’t want to make a baby.

    Well, gotta pick one stranger. Either get yourselves an alternative form of birth control or don’t have sex.

  8. I do natural family planning and when I’m bleeding, it’s a full go. There will always be the what if but if she’s having predictable, regular periods – it’s pretty safe. Note, ‘pretty safe’ – leave room and acknowledgement for error. Be informed on when she’s most fertile (ovulation window). I usually wouldn’t give it a full go during my last day of my period of if my period lasts longer, I wouldn’t trust that as ‘safe’. Very personal decision since it’s you who will be addressing consequences of missteps. (:

  9. There is spermicidal foam you can use, she needs to put it inside herself like 30ish mins I think before you have sex. But nothing is 100% going to protect against pregnancy

  10. I know a lot of people are going to tell you this is unsafe. As someone who practices the Fertility Awareness Method, the rule is that the first three days of your period are safe *as long as* her cycles are *always* longer than 26 days. If her cycles are ever shorter, she could end up pregnant, because she could end up ovulating early in her cycle (and sperm can survive inside her for up to 5 days). As long as she doesn’t ovulate early in her cycle, you’re safe.

  11. Yes. Definitely not the best idea. If you don’t want to get pregnant right now or want a little one running free in 9 months, don’t risk it. Lol I’ll say I’m really careful with my bf but women can get pregnant even if there’s no penetration. Oh and she can get pregnant on her period too it’s just a much lower risk

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