Biggest fear ? and what do you think you’ll do if that situation occurs?

  1. Death of a child. Part of me would die with them, but I’d also have to be there and keep going for my other kids.

  2. Showgirls, directors cut.

    In all seriousness, the collapse of civilization. When you study history, you can see how easy it is for advanced civilizations to fall, and the dark times that proceed it.

    The only thing anyone can do is to survive and try to rebuild what was once there.

  3. Right wing extremism. Getting an education and getting the fuck out of here.

  4. Falling from high up. Probably just hit the ground unless i had a parachute.

  5. Losing my mind. If I ever had a moment of clarity from that, I think I’d just kill myself.

  6. A slow agonizing death or injury. Preferably, if I’m going to die, then I’d like to do so with dignity and minimal suffering.

  7. I dont have anything super dark like the loss of my child or the sudden eruption of planet earth.

    I’m just really scared of bees.

  8. *”Biggest fear ?”*


    *”and what do you think you’ll do if that situation occurs?”*


  9. Being thrown overboard in the middle of the ocean.

    Slowly die of dehydratation. Or heart attack if something swims to me.

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