When I was in school and college I was very introverted and had little to no social skills under my belt. Because of this I went with the attitude of ‘why bother’ and spent pretty much 24/7 in my room playing games with my friends.

This changed when I went to university however, even though the first year was pretty rough because I jumped in head first while being a complete awkward mess into a 50 student dorm, I tried to get out a bit more. Now i’m in third year doing an exchange and have made a lot more friends, improved my social skills, go out a lot more and even had a couple girlfriends.

The problem is now though i’ve sort of become addicted to socializing, I absolutely hate being alone without someone to talk to and i’m always waiting until that next party or get together feeling like shit. Does anyone else feel like this? I always thought I was a complete introvert until now, even spending a few hours alone makes me anxious.

1 comment
  1. Start setting times when you’re not allowed to socialize. Just be alone with yourself.

    You need a balance again. Maybe not an addiction, but habit. You can break habits, just takes time

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